Hi all,
Have been lurking for a while, since I’ve been considering the idea of going back to Med School. I thought I’d tell my own story and hopefully get some feedback. Sorry if it’s a bit lengthy.
I’m 34. Graduated from Berkeley in computer Engineering in 1996, Michigan Law School in 2005, both with honors but not stratospheric GPAs. I started off in software, and have practiced patent law for a few years now.
Obviously I’m not considering an MD for the money - I can make more as either an engineer or a lawyer without 8+years of little to no income in the meantime. I’m just sick and tired of having no passion in my career.
I have some worries though:
- I had two retakes as an undergrad. Both were in Math classes. I got A’s the second time around both times. There’s a long story behind each, but the excuses sound lame even to me, now that I am older.
- I withdrew for one semester as an undergrad. The reason was clinical depression, although there’s no notation of that on my transcript. I came back and got a 4.0 the next semester.
I graduated with honors at Berkeley with about a 3.4, but only because Berkeley replaces retakes with the new grade. I’m not sure what my GPA works out to with them averaged in like the med schools do - probably a 3.0 or so.
So, my spotty undergrad transcript is worry number 1. Of course that was 12 years ago, and at this point, the fact that I never took chem or bio may be a bonus - I’ll have a chance to take them and ace them now, and differentiate a bit from my earlier record.
Worry number 2 is the fact that I’ve already jumped ship from one career, and have not practiced law very long before deciding to jump ship again. This could cut both ways, since I at least have shown I can get through law school with success.
Last but not least, I still have a sizable debt from law school - 100k or so. I intend to go to a state Med school in the South with low tuition, so I’m hoping I can get out with debt typical for a new doctor, when you add the two together.
I’d welcome any comments or advice for dealing with any of these worries - especially how much they will affect my chances of getting in.
Thanks in advance.