Deferred Acceptance?

So… late into the application cycle, I found out I won’t be able to start school in 2014 due to a work commitment that I thought I would be released from. My boss recommended that I stay the course this cycle and try to get a deferred acceptance. He said he had several people in his advanced degree program that were delayed a year for the same reason as me. I have been lucky and have several interview invites, and all of the schools do consider requests for deferred entry. Costs and schedule for interviews are manageable this year but may not be the case next year. Is this something that should be brought up during the interview, or is the better option not to mention it and request a deferral should I gain an acceptance?

First of all, congratulations on having several interviews! It’s also good that you’ve done your research and know that the schools in question grant deferrals. Most schools don’t grant deferrals unless there’s a really good reason for it; it sounds like yours falls into that category. It’s wise not to mention the need for a deferral during the interview process. You would wait until an acceptance is offered and then ask if you can be granted a deferral. You would need to give the reason and the request is most often done in writing. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck at your interviews!



Thanks for the info and support. Hopefully they’ll think my reasoning is good enough as well should they accept me

Follow up for the hypothetical…

If I do get an acceptance call, should I address the deferral question then or graciously thank them, hang up, and draft/finalize the written request for a deferral? Not sure what the protocol is for this, especially if the acceptance comes late in the cycle (i.e. April or later). Thanks.

If you get the acceptance call be thrilled and express your enthusiasm during the conversation! Then wait and see if you get in anywhere else. There’s no point in asking for a deferral if you wouldn’t actually end up going to that particular school. So it’s wise to wait and see what your options are at the end of the application cycle; if you end up having multiple acceptances you’ll want to take time to figure out which school is your top choice (if it’s not immediately clear to you) and then ask that school about a possible deferral, in writing. Hold your acceptances to other schools until you get confirmation that you can have the deferral at your top choice. But be sure you’ve made your decision and have your deferral in hand by May 15th, the date when all applicants can only hold an acceptance at one school. Good luck!

