Electronic medical dictionary

I lost my palm PDA last year and replaced it with an iPod touch a while ago. I miss my medical dictionary for the quick look up of a term when I am sitting in conference or on rounds. I had Steadman’s and it was fine. I also see that Tabor’s has one; this one apparently has pics with it, which may be appealing.

Does any one have any experiences with the Tabor’s dictionary, or both? Primarily ease of use in finding terms. Just gathering opinions before I lay out the $50.

Thanks, Tara

Hi, Tara. I just use the wireless at UIHC to go online and look up stuff quickly. I have a Windows Mobile device, but assuming the Touch also has wireless you could save yourself a few bucks and do it that way.

that’s what I do. It takes a second or two longer, but it’s worth the “free” aspect.

There are times when I am at the VA or at other places without wireless (i.e. when I was camping and was reading an article and needed to look something up) that I need to have access to a dictionary. I use the access at UIHC, both wireless for my iPod and also online (i.e. Micromedix, PubMed, etc). There are several steps/screens to get wireless access at UIHC on my iPod and can be tedious if you have to do it every time you look something up on a mobile device (it’s not like you can do it once daily and the network recognize you).


Hm… I’ve got a couple medical apps on my i*, but I don’t think I have a dictionary. Let me check…

Epocrates, Eponyms, ICD-9 pcp. Thought I had more. Can’t recommend a dictionary, sorry.