EMT-B Employ-ability after certification


I’ve just had my first EMT-B class today. My initial plan was to work in the ED dept after getting done. After looking around at different job postings in my area, many require at least 6 mo - 1 yr experience in the healthcare setting.

I think I’ll enjoy learning about medicine in the course. I want to make sure I get practical experience afterwards and I prefer the hospital setting. Is finding a job in the ED realistic right out of class? I realize location plays a role.

Is there anything else I can do with the certification if I can only secure a position in the ED with fieldwork experience? Phlebotomy? Other tech positions?

you can get a job in what the class was designed for - working on an ambulance. I got the same rejections trying to work at an ER when I first graduated, same thing on an oil rig. no experience, no formal assessment skills, no job other than working an ambulance to get those skills. Makes sense actually. It’s pretty scary what all the things that are NOT taught in an emt-b class…