Fall 2017

Hi Everyone
I am a premed student attending a community college in California. This semester I decided to tell my friends and family that I want to become a doctor. The most annoying part of that process was listening to everyone’s two cents. PreMedGrapefruit, you know you need to study nonstop and really dedicate yourself to studing. PreMedGrapefruit, you know how expensive it is right? PreMedGrapefruit, you know you can’t waste your time watching youtube and netflix if you want to become a doctor. Of course I knew this.

Additionally this semester I took five classes. The classes I took were Psych-stat, Intro to Business, Intro to Bio, Engineering Design, and Photography. The classes I took this semester were not very strategical and not beneficial towards my goal as a Premed student. Nevertheless I finished this semester strong and I am in good academic standing. Next semester I plan on taking Calculus 1, Chemistry 1, and English. These classes are more helpful and aligned with my goals to transfer from community college and attend a 4 year state college or university.

I encourage others to write a brief reply on how your semester went and maybe some things that you learned!


haha, yup! theres a lot barriers and a lot people ready to remind you of them! ive had the same experience so i am more choosey as to who i tell what. unless i have a great comic ‘ellen’ type of line already figured out.

PreMedGrapeFruit, thanks for starting this post. In reflection of my semester, I think it went pretty well. I finished the semester with all A’s, got a conference research paper abstract submitted (as a second author), and took all my core Engineering classes. However, I actually received my lowest exam grade ever in my entire 4 years of college this semester. I took a few days to truly reflect what this meant and realized something.

First, a bad test doesn’t mean anything as long as you can learn from your mistakes. Second, it isn’t about what you know and how much you know. You could know every single concept that the exam will test you on, but if you can’t apply those concepts, if you can’t use those concepts in a new situation, you won’t do well on an exam. I learned that execution matters more than understanding the material. This mentality is what I am keeping as I study for the MCAT and take it in Jan.

you are a jewel. Thanks for the feedback and motivating me with so many posts!
Thank you!