fired because pregnant

So two weeks ago I started a job at a local Emergency Room. I felt the interview went well and so did my ‘training’.

Yesterday a Labor and Delivery nurse (turned ER nurse) commented on my pregnancy (now at 19 weeks). I had not told anyone about it but did not want to be a liar, so I talked to her about it.

My boss found out and later yesterday pulled me aside and talked to me for a few and seemed really disturbed to find out. “Why didn’t you tell me this at your interview” she said through her teeth…I simply replied that it never came up. Knowing my rights and sexual discrimination, she had no grounds to be mad.

Today I was terminated because, “I didn’t belong” there and said a few lies about no one being “able to find me”…well I was probably in the bathroom.

I contacted EEOC today to file a complaint. I don’t know what else to do. I doubt that I will win because managers/employers can say anything they want as the reason, true or not, but I really want to make a point that this treatment is illegal. My word against theirs usually results in the person with more ‘clout’ coming up on top.

I shouldn’t let it bug me, I am starting medical school next fall, but the audacity of their actions really preturbs me and I do not want them to be able to do this to someone else.

plus, we so needed the money to tide us over between now and starting school, especially with a new baby…

Oh, BOY. This is just awful. I hate to hear that stuff like that really still happens! I really feel for you. I hope your complaint process goes well and that in the meantime you land a job someplace that is actually a nice place to work.

What crappy timing! Is there ever really a “good time” for something like this to happen, though?

The good news is that your employer is in very hostile legal territory thanks to WLAD. I did a little Googling and found this:


This doesn’t necessarily mean a lawsuit would be a “slam-dunk” in your favor, but the law is clearly on your side at least as far as issues regarding your maternity status are concerned.

If you decide to fight this, find yourself an attorney experienced in WA maternity law. And good luck to you! I’ve witnessed weasely hospital middle-management in action. Someone needs to issue a good pimp-smack to the offenders when they are clearly wrong, as they may be in your instance.

Most of all, don’t let this get you down. You will get past this, and be stronger because of it. You and your family are in my thoughts.



Thanks for the thoughts and link!

I will follow up with them as well on Monday.

I am not sure about an attorney due to the fact that I gave the last of my life’s savings to secure my spot in the 2007 entering class, and without a job, I can not afford to pay one. There are other ways to file complaints than with lawyers, lucky for me!

I gave up on trying to find work and just do things around the house until we have to sell it and move. It is a very long story, but finding a job since graduating college has been a nightmare. I was considered “more employable” with only a HS education…go figure!

In 5 years I will be a doctor. This incident will always matter, because I know it happens more often than we can even imagine. At least I have a way out.

  • Quote:
I gave up on trying to find work and just do things around the house until we have to sell it and move. It is a very long story, but finding a job since graduating college has been a nightmare. I was considered "more employable" with only a HS education...go figure!

I feel your pain. I also had difficulties finding employement while doing my post-bacc. I applied at numerous restaurants and hotels and didn't even get so much as an interview. My friend (who is in business) advised me not to put all of my education on my application, as that was probably why I wasn't getting anywhere, but I felt to do so was basically lying.

Sorry to hear about your situation. I think you could make a very strong case due to the timeline of when your supervisor found out about your pregnancy and you were fired. But - as you said - its their word against yours. Good luck - hopefully you at least get the point across to them that what they did to you was illegal.

the least that could come out of filing with the state and federal government will be a record of this event in history, so that in the future, if someone else is wronged by them, they will have more trouble proving otherwise.

at least I have a way out of this mess, a hope for the future…my main quest is to help my fellow (wo)man.

Get a lawyer and take them to court! You have no obligation to divulge whether or not you’re pregnant. What if you were 2 weeks pregnant, would that have made a difference.

Also, two weeks isn’t enough time to determine whether or not you are a good employee or not (in my opinion). There should also be a paper trail detailing their issues with you and how they (the employer) worked with you to resolve those issues. The manager should be fired for not knowing how to manage.

Can you get a job at the medical school?

  • Quote:
Can you get a job at the medical school?

you mean where I was accepted?

It's a long ways away, plus my hubby has great insurance as far as maternity stuff goes.

I have tried to get a job at the UW doing about anything for a long time to no avail. It's a tough crowd in Seattle.
  • misscompassion Said:
  • Quote:
Can you get a job at the medical school?

you mean where I was accepted?

It's a long ways away, plus my hubby has great insurance as far as maternity stuff goes.

I have tried to get a job at the UW doing about anything for a long time to no avail. It's a tough crowd in Seattle.

It sounds like your not working isn't affecting you family's bottom line, so have you considered offering to volunter with someone at UW? The times I lived in tough job markets, I volunteered to work for say a particular PI, and it worked out VERY well!

I must admit I gave up looking and we are doing the best we can do. Finding someone to hire you at 6 months pregnant is next to impossible, despite the law. I am limited in both previous experiences due to not being able to lift above 45 lbs (NAC stuff) or in research, not having much experience. Any position that I took would be temp anyway due to a cross country move next summer.

The RT1 job I had began from initial volunteer work. Problem is the closest research facilities are SO FAR and the public transportation system here is horrid. Our cars are old (reliable so far for the most part) and get crappy mileage. I am not sure we even recovered from last summer’s spike! At best, if I have to drive there 4 times a week, it’s over 45$ in gas, never mind the parking. (volunteers do not get free parking) I can not do that if I am not at least paid a little. That is not to mention the 3+ hours I would spend commuting! I would never recommend Seattle as a place to live. If you don’t make at least 100k+/year, living here is tough.

I am volunteering a lot now, and me not working IS really painful financially. I stick to volunteering places that I can walk to, since neighbors of ours own 3 home-care senior houses on our street. The animaml shelter is only 10 miles away and I go there twice a week. Plus our next door neighbor has MS and requires full-time assistance, so I visit with him every once in a while.

I keep repeating to myself…“In 5 years, all of this petty crap will be over!” Of course then I will have other crap to deal with, but at least I will be able to get a decent job AND enjoy it!