Hello guys,
I am writing to vent a little bit… I am taking CHE 111, CHE 111-Lab and Pre-calc this summer and I’m getting super frustrated. I have two kids, 2 & 3 and both have been sick since the Summer session has started (asma, rotavirus…). I don’t have enough time to study. People tell me that Med School is much harder. I am so sad, I feel like quitting everything. Besides, I am working part-time from home… If end up with 2 B’s from these classes, would that be a problem??? Everybody says I must have only A’s…
- PremedFla Said:
I am writing to vent a little bit... I am taking CHE 111, CHE 111-Lab and Pre-calc this summer and I'm getting super frustrated. I have two kids, 2 & 3 and both have been sick since the Summer session has started (asma, rotavirus...). I don't have enough time to study. People tell me that Med School is much harder. I am so sad, I feel like quitting everything. Besides, I am working part-time from home... If end up with 2 B's from these classes, would that be a problem??? Everybody says I must have only A's...
Hi, Well you should not have taken both, one in a summer session is enough. Medical school is different from Undergrad, its a different kind of material, you are just in the Beginning.
My advice is to take it slow and do what you can handle well, there is no time line like a lot of premeds think. If you go half time the medical schools will not reject you because you took longer.
Good Luck
I remember well my advisor in undergrad telling me that grades are like this: A’s are always positive, B’s are kind of neutral as long as you have plenty of A’s to go with them, C’s are the plague!
Anyway, I agree with DRFP when he says that you shouldn’t have tried two such courses in one summer session. But, you have already done it. So do your best and then move on. But remember that it is more important to do well in your future classes than to try to take them all at once.
As to the studying in med school. . yes, I think it is more difficult, but when you want something badly enough, you find a way to make it work. First off, make sure you have a good support group around you when the time comes. Your kids will be a little older, but they will still need supervision, guidance, and lots of love. With the love and support of friends and family, you can do it!
Yes Linda is right, When I commented you should not have taken both, I guess I was telling you, well now you know and do not let this dictate if you can do it or not since someone without two wonderful young kids should not have done this also.
DO your best, B’s are fine just take it a bit slower from now on, if it is too much go part time is what I’m saying, when its time to go to medical school you may have to adjust your home life to fit that time but it will be worth it and a new adventure!
(Boy How I know!)