Going Back to School

Well, I’ve decide to take the plunge and return to school. I originally planned to do so six years ago, but got sidetracked by married life, a daughter, and work. I had pretty much given up on my dream when an unlikely opportunity appeared. While considering a return to the service, an army buddy suggested that I look at pursuing a career in military medicine. My wife and I discovered that the HPSP would provide all of the things we wanted, so at 36, I have taken up pursuit of my dream that I thought was dead and buried. Due to my current career, I am fairly well set up for LOR’s, EC’s, and clinical experience. My grades are marginal, 3.2-3.4 depending upon how one assesses them. I will be taking the MCAT at the end of the month, wish me luck!. My hopes are set on OHSU, which is here in Portland where I live, but I will go pretty much anywhere that accepts me. I am continuing to diversify my experiences by working in the PM&R department at the VA and on the pain service. I also shadow a pediatrician friend twice a week at Doernbecher’s Children’s Hospital. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can better my application? Any assistance would be much appreciated…Jaysun

Welcome to OPM! Just swinging by say hi and good luck. =)

Hey Jaysun!

I am just starting out too…so I don’t have much advice yet. There seems to be tons of info on this board. Take some time and sift through it, I am sure that you will find a lot of answers!!

Good-luck on your journey! Enjoy the ride.