Happy Holidays and good news

Happy Holidays everyone! I’m enjoying a short break then back to school on Jan. 3rd for a winter break class (still need 6 darn Humanities credits before graduating and getting 3 in 3 weeks is totally worth it). Then, that will end and Spring semester will start. I’m taking Gen Chem II, Genetics and Calculus 211 in Spring plus I’m lab assisting in Biology again (I did that this fall semester, too)and working off campus and being a single mom, etc., etc. However, the dream seems more and more real to me each semester. I just checked my Fall grades and I got a solid A in both Gen Chem I and Bio I so I’m stoked and ready to dive back in! Another 4.0 semester!!! It feels so good.

I’ve been doing some MCAT review also and happy to find that I don’t feel completely clueless.

Another step closer to the dream.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and keeping their dreams alive, too!

Best wishes for a successful new year!


Shannon, congrats on the 4.0! That’s great news, indeed!