Hi everyone,
I am new to this board so I thought I would say hello. I am a 28 year old non-traditional student. Just about to complete my first semester of requirements. I had thought about doing this for a while and after getting really sick last year decided it was time to make it happen, so here I am.
I am a 98 grad of Maryland I live in Arlington, VA (across the potomac river from DC) and take classes at George Mason in Fairfax, VA.
Hi there,
I am a fellow Virginian now transplanted in Westlake, OH as I am finishing a General Surgery residency. I grew up in Loudoun County but went to secondary school in Alexandria (St. Agnes/St. Stephen’s Prep). I lived in Arlington while I attended medical school in Washington, DC (Howard University College of Medicine).
Your timing for joining this group could not have been any better. We are holding our annual convention at the Crystal City Sheraton in June 2005. There will be lots of great speakers who will fill you in on the application process as it applies to the non-traditional student. As I have stated before, attending this convention with only the intent on hearing Judy colwell speak is worth the price of admission and then some. Not only will be having Mrs. Colwell again this year, but we have many more folks who can help you at every step along the way from financial aid to filing you application to getting through medical school, to getting through residency with your family/marriage intact. There is going to be something for everyone.
We are also planning to have representives from the DC area medical schools and post-bacc programs who will provide information for you at many levels. You also get to see some of the folks who post around here too.
Check out the Convention threads found here and plan on attending since you are in the neighborhood and welcome to the group. We are a very friendly but varied bunch!
Welcome…Welcome…Welcome!!! Hope you had a productive finals season and congrats on your decision to pursue a career in medicine. You will definately have a support network here from pre-med to medical school and beyond!!! Happy holidays to you and your family and again, Welcome to OPM!!!