
Hello, everyone! I’m new here, but I’m not new to this journey.

I’m 32, married, and currently a stay-at-home mom to three wonderful kids, ages 7, 5, and 7 months. My very supportive husband is in the military, and we’ve moved four times in six years, with Move #5 currently underway. This semi-nomadic life has made my prereqs challenging, but it’s worked out so far.

This is actually my second time through undergrad. My first time through, I was interested in med school but, in my 20-year-old wisdom, decided partying was more fun. So I chose the easier road of a bachelor’s degree in journalism. I worked as a journalist for 10 years, finally giving up my freelancing last year to focus on studying. I’ve written for magazines, newspapers, and online markets, but it never was satisfying like science had been. So I decided to go back to school. My initial thought was to be a PA. However, after much soul-searching, I decided that MD was really what I wanted.

So here I am. It’s good to see other non-traditional students here. Best of luck to all!

You sound like me! I’ll be 31 in a couple of weeks and I’m a SAHM to two toddlers, but I majored in Communications and worked for a non-profit for years, never really enjoying it and always way more interested in science. Soul-searching, thought about PA or NP, really want to do MD, that sorta thing. Glad to have someone in a very similar boat!

Welcome! RHC with 3 kids, things must be challenging but with a supportive significant other, then anything is possible.

I wish you and to Rachel the best of luck during this journey. It is not easy, but it is worth the trouble. Everyone on this site will agree with that.