Help choosing a program?

Good evening all!

You’ve probably seen this question a million times but that’s great because I bet you have sound advice haha :lol: . So the run down is this, I’m a recent graduate and at the time of my undergrad I didn’t realize how badly I wanted to get into medicine. Now I do realize and I want to do all that I can to get into a post bacc-pre-med program for the 2017 fall term. So the basics about me:

  • I graduated from university last year.
  • My GPA was 2.75.
  • I took a Chem lab and failed and I took an intro Bio class and got a C. I haven’t taken any other science courses.
  • I’ve taken all of the required English courses and I have Calculus 1 out of the way (I know I still need STATS 101).
  • I am currently volunteering at a hospital.
  • I am going to get my CPR/First-AID certification very soon.

    Some things I plan on doing:

  • I want to shadow a doctor. I’ve done it once as a junior in highschool (loved it) and I’m hoping to do it again for a longer while.
  • I want to volunteer as an EMT.
  • I want to have a full-time job in a healthcare setting.

    So my questions:

  • Do you think my GPA is enough to get into any program with a minimum 3.0? Or should I stick to the ones that have a minimum of 2.5? I can assure you that I have seen the error of my ways of studying and in my final year I adjusted very well to the challenge.

  • I understand that financial aid varies on the program and I will bring that up to the ones I am interested in. But I have to ask for those in one or have finished one, is paying for living expenses with a part-time job the only/easiest way to do so? Like are there any loans or programs for paying for housing while in a educational program that is neither undergrad or grad (kinda?).

  • Lastly, what are your thoughts, if any, on Harvard’s program vs. Columbia’s vs. Miami’s? Or should I not even bother with them due to my GPA?

    Thank you very much for your help!!