HELP! Examkrackers materials MIA!!!

Hi, I’m trying to find a complete set of examkrackers materials online. Everywhere is out of stock or says they will ship in 1 to 2 months!!! Does anyone know why this is? Is there a new edition coming out? If so, when? How come I can’t preorder them? Is it worth it to buy the complete set? Or should I just selectively buy some subjects? I’m actually taking the kaplan course, but I really don’t like not having practice passages in the a book format. This download/print format or online passages are really annoying and do not even reflect the nature of the MCAT test. Does anyone know why the Examkrackers complete study set is scarce right now? Or is that how long it usually takes to ship?

Hmm…I would say to go to the Examkrackers Web site, but it’s down right now. I think their toll-free number is 1-800-krack 'em. You could call them tomorrow.

There is a set on ebay current bid is $155. There is 1 day 9hrs to go for bidding. I am not selling these but thought this might be of help to you. Here is the URL Ebay link to exankrackers complete study guide Good luck!


Listen, online might not be your best choice right now. Everyone and his grandmother intested in this year’s exam(s) (particularly April) is why there is a run on the books. This may be obvious but have you hunted around locally? Maybe their is a dusty copy on a shelf somewhere.

There is a bookstore I buy textbooks near the UC Berkeley campus. There out of stock on line, BUT maybe there is a set in the store. If you don’t get the E-bay set if you want me to check I will.

I ordered the materials from the Exam Krackers website right before Christmas and got the materials in about 4 days. However, the entire set was not sent out yet. (I believe Bio and one other area were not shipped yet from the complete package.) I also ordered the CD’s and the Verbal Passages, both from Barnes and Noble, which came right away.
Good luck. The website is if anyone is interested.
PS I am also taking the Princeton Review course but am doubling up with the Exam Krackers just to get that extra edge over the MCAT.

The Web site was down last week but looks like it’s up. Also, I mis-reported their phone number; it’s 1-888-krackem. I was close!