Help me understand

Tonight we took my mom to the ER. She has had CHF for several years. She is also a diabetic, and has had some kidney problems in the past. We took her to the hospital mainly because she said she needed to go, which never happens. Her complaint was that she had some chest pain, and that she was short of breath, and she felt really weak. By the time we got to the hospital she wasn’t able to communicate very well. While I was working on the admitting stuff, she was getting questioned by the doc.
I don’t have a problem with the doctor asking her questions until it is obvious that she has no clue what she’s saying. When I get back in the room I caught the doctor on the way out. They were getting ready to send her up to get a heart cath done. I mentioned to him, “she told you she’s allergic to Fetanyl, right?” “No she told me that she was ok with it.” I told him to please look at her chart because it clearly says, “NO FETANYL.” So what does the nurse show up with as she’s getting mom ready to go? I was so upset I nearly exploded.
So the doc comes back in and asks what the problem is. I explained to him that last time the gaver her Fetanyl she had a cardiac arrest, and that her cardiologist said that she was never to have it again. He said, "Well I doubt that was a reaction, and it’s what our protocol is."
I know there are good docs and bad ones…just like any profession. But please tell me that MOST docs don’t turn out to be so stubborn!
By the way this same doc refused to order a blood sugar when mom was really sweaty, and even more lethargic. I took it with her meter from home right infront of him…it was 38. And on the chart that went to moms room…both eyes were equal and responsive…she has a prosthetic left eye.

I think thats called laziness, perhaps burnout, maybe over tiredness as well. Still, its no excuse. Any beginning physician should know not to try and gain a history from someone who doesn’t seem coherent. I’m sorry you had that experience. I would follow up with the hospital about it, in writing