
Hello! I guess I ought to introduce myself. I registered in February when a friend from my Kaplan review course told me about OPM. But between studying for the MCAT after a 7 year hiatus from anything resembling chemistry or physics and working full time with call hours at the hospital and attempting to actually spend a teeny bit of time with my family, I’ve only posted recently. But the BEAST has been faced, and now it’s time to face the rest of the process.
Anyway, I’m a 30 year old mother of 2 girls, 9 and 5, and I work as a scrub tech. at the local hospital. I got my BS in '97 and took the MCAT the first time in '96. My daughter threw up the entire night before the '96 MCAT and while I sat in bed trying to get some sleep for the “BIGGEST TEST OF MY LIFE,” I realized that it might not be the best time for med school for me. Looking back, I know it definitely was not the best time. I had a 18 month old, my husband was in seminary, and at least one of us needed to work sometimes (paying the bills is always helpful). Anyway, I had another daughter a couple of years later, and recently my husband and I decided it was time to go for it. I’m terrified, to tell the truth. It’s always easier to say you’re going to do something in the nebulous future than it is to buckle down and do it and face failure. My husband is VERY supportive, and I couldn’t have gotten through the MCAT without his help. He even took the kids and stayed at my parents house the week before the MCAT so I could get a lot of studying done, and since he’s not overly fond of my family, that’s really saying something. Anyway, that’s a short intro. to me. I’ve really enjoyed reading the posts on the forum. It’s incredibly encouraging.

Hi Alison,
Welcome to the group. The MCAT is but one step on your quest. I promise that you will have more tests that will be more important than MCAT so don’t give it that much power.
Having a supportive family will keep you sane in this insane process. I don’t know how I would get things done without my two puppies and Steve, my fiance. He had really been taking charge of this move from Charlottesville to Cleveland since I am 100 miles away working hard. It’s great to have the support.
Post from time to time and offer your wisdom about doing this with a family on board. If you are able to attend the convention in Denver, it is well worth every penny because you can learn some valuable things about making your application competitive for practically a song. Last year’s DC convention was inexpensive, informative and fun. This year’s should top it.
Good luck on the jouney and officially welcome!

Thanks for the input. I’ll look into the conference. The emphasis of “the biggest test of my life” was the attitude at 3:00am in 1996 the night before the MCAT as my daughter was vomitting in the next room. That’s one of the reasons I know I wasn’t ready yet. It did have way to much power over me. I am a little older, a little more mature, and hopefully a little wiser now. It’s a good point to remember, though. It is easy to get caught up in the process and let it get to you.

Kids are great. They always know the perfect time to get sick
Here’s hoping things go more smoothly this time.


Well, since you’ve been aroudn for a bit, I just wanted to give you an official welcome. I can certainly relate to your feeling about nervous and scared. I’ve only really solified these plans to leave my current career and go for medicine over the past 6 months…and now as my time to begin my intensive post-bacc year approaches, I’m terrified too. But I’m also excited…as I am sure you are too. Sounds like you have a wonderful husband and that will surely help in the coming years. Support is key to non-traditionals pre-med and med students’ success. Good luck and I hope to hear from you throughout your journey.