How old is too old?

I am 37, currently working as a software programmer, making good money but saving up for school next year. I plan to quit and go back to school full time for the prereq’s, then take the MCAT. I won’t see med school for another 2-3 years.

Has anyone attend the OPM conference? It will be in Arlington, VA. I was wondering if it’s worth the spending when I am trying to save for school.

I have attended every conference except one. I attended before, during, and will now attend after completing medical school.

The advice I gained as a premed was invaluable. Listening to those who have been through the process gives a person insight that they can’t get from anywhere else.

Is it worth it? Absolutely!! Hope to see you there!

Thanks Linda. I’ll see you there then. Cheers. Joe

Hi, i know you posted your response sometime ago, but you have no idea how encouraging your message was for me! I’m 31 & the proud mom of identical twin boys (who just turned one a couple days ago) I know that medicine is what I’m meant to do, & it’s just great to know that I’m not alone! LETS DO IT!!!

Glad to see your encouragement. I’m an RN too with family and thinking of entering the pre-req program as early as this summer, I’m 46 yrs old now.

I’am a 42 year old pre med student. I plan to enter med school fall of 2011. Keeping my grades up to a comptetative level has been very chalenging. I’m currently taking O chem II and Cell Biology wile working part-time in an emergency room. It’s hard not to get discouraged and to find support for what I’m doing. It’s been sort of a lonely journey so far. I’m glad I found this site and know I’m not such a freak after all.

Welcome to the site!! I’m 30 (plus 12) as well!

I just turned 45 and if I decide to stay with this goal (see my other post), I probably won’t apply until I am 47. Age is not a worry for me,it’s my grades.