intensive biology course?

So, I’m almost done with my prereqs. I only need to take Biology/the MCAT.

Is this feasible? Are there any intensive Bio courses abroad that are not during the summer? I’ve considered taking it abroad as well

Ideally I’d like to take a year of bio over 3-6 months instead of v slowly in a year.

  • HeyEveryone Said:
So, I'm almost done with my prereqs. I only need to take Biology/the MCAT.

Is this feasible? Are there any intensive Bio courses abroad that are not during the summer? I've considered taking it abroad as well

Ideally I'd like to take a year of bio over 3-6 months instead of v slowly in a year.

1) overseas courses are generally not acceptable for prerequisite and/or used in GPA calculation on both AMCAS and AACOMAS applications

2) You are not required to have your prerequisites completed prior to applying, though to have the grades included in your GPA and to be competitive against traditional students, I personally recommend that you do.

3) Since the application season doesn't open until June, you have both fall and spring semesters to complete them. It wont seem to give you any advantage by trying to squeeze them in any quicker. The only potential advantage I could see would perhaps having time for a MCAT prep course or MCAT study.

4) Even though you are required to have at least one year of advanced bio as a medical school prereq, the MCAT exam only requires freshman or general bio course. Advanced courses maybe helpful for the exam but are not required.

5) Some schools do offer a winter session (during the winter break). I took a biotechnology lab course like that: 16 sessions in 4 weeks! My wife says I was in "hibernation" as I was holed in my office for 4 weeks studying and doing lab reports.