Hey all…now that we’re coming down to the wire I thought it might alleviate some of our stress (esp for those of us who have yet to get an acceptance) to start a threat rating interview lunches Any schools had really impressive lunches? Any that were inedible?
I’ll go first.
(4 stars) to Emory–delicious food served in the Grady Cafeteria. With my $6 meal ticket I enjoyed a surprisingly juicy piece of rotisserie chicken, with some good sides, warm butter roll, and a soft cookie
to Vandy-similar set up to Emory but the food wasn’t as memorable.
** to Duke- They actually let you select your menu items online before your interview, yet they sound much more appetizing than they really are
* to Columbia–Ham sandwiches on wonder bread? Gimme a break…very disappointing
Sorry if this is a stupid thread but we all have our coping mechanisms
Wash U - very nice lunch atop Quennie tower (17th floor or something like that) overlooking Forest Park in St. Loius. Schnazzy.
Loyola, Rush, Northwestern: All the same. A voucher for lunch in the hospital cafeteria. Not bad, gave you a feel for what was available when you went there. Maybe it’s a Chicago thing?
For those applying this year, (and I know several OldPreMeds have interviewed and been accepted here), WVSOM starts your day with a great breakfast (of your choice and optional) at the General Lewis Inn, one of the nicest old-style inns and restaurants I’ve ever seen. For lunch, again back at the General Lewis, you get to choose what you want from the menu, and it is equally delicious. Breakfast is all the interviewees with two school delegates, and lunch is one-on-one with a current student. Of all the interviews I did, this one was the best when it came to meals!! And the best when it came to being really relaxed during interviews. And, at least for me, the best fit for a quality medical school, especially if you hope to go into family practice or rural medicine.
If you want to find out more about WVSOM, plan to attend the conference June 9-12. Our dean, Dr. Michael Adelman, is one of the speakers, and the school will have a booth with information available.
For those applying this year, (and I know several OldPreMeds have interviewed and been accepted here), WVSOM starts your day with a great breakfast (of your choice and optional) at the General Lewis Inn, one of the nicest old-style inns and restaurants I’ve ever seen. For lunch, again back at the General Lewis, you get to choose what you want from the menu, and it is equally delicious. Breakfast is all the interviewees with two school delegates, and lunch is one-on-one with a current student. Of all the interviews I did, this one was the best when it came to meals!! And the best when it came to being really relaxed during interviews. And, at least for me, the best fit for a quality medical school, especially if you hope to go into family practice or rural medicine.
If you want to find out more about WVSOM, plan to attend the conference June 9-12. Our dean, Dr. Michael Adelman, is one of the speakers, and the school will have a booth with information available.
Hey Folks,
Linda is dead right about WVSOM. Lewisburg is a very beautiful little town. The food at the General Lewis Inn is totally awesome and WVSOM does problem-based learning better than most medical schools. I have visited Linda and the school on several occasions and I am totally impressed with their facilities and resources.