Introducing myself...another old premed

Hi All,

I’m so happy to have found this forum of supportive, like-minded old premeds. Let me introduce myself with the basics, and let me know if I should supply more info.

I completed my BS in Bioengineering at UC Berkeley in 2003 with a sub-3.0 GPA. I contemplated a few different paths, but ended up doing Environmental Engineering Project Management for about 5 years. During that time, I missed my biosciences and tried to feed that need by taking various post-bacc courses, volunteering at a children’s hospital, and eventually taking the MCAT in 2007. I did well on the MCAT, but decided to pursue public health instead at that time.

I completed a MPH from the University of Washington in Public Health Genetics in 2011. I spent the past 2 years in healthcare administration at a VA hospital doing project management and process improvement work. I loved being in a hospital, but I was frustrated by my limited sphere of influence. I realized that all my work role models were physicians and working side by side with them demystified the profession for me. I finally admitted to myself that I really want to be a clinician.

I had a 2+ hour commute each day and my job took a tremendous amount of energy, so after a lot of soul-searching I decided to leave my job and spend this year focusing on preparing my apps for 2014. I just signed up for a prep course and plan to take the MCAT in Jan 2014.

Thankfully, I have a supportive hubby who wants me to pursue my dream, but I keep freaking out about the effects I’m having on our finances and timeline. No kids yet, but I will be 32 in less than a month so it does have to factor into the med school/residency timeline somewhat.

That’s me in a nutshell. I figured I should stop creeping and provide a proper introduction. Oh, and I’m in the Bay Area if anybody is looking for old premed buddies.

Welcome to OPM. I’m about the same age as you are (32 last month) and am in the middle of the application season. It’s both thrilling and terrifying! But you’ll see that soon enough.

That’s wonderful that your husband is supportive - support, whether friends or family - is so important on this wild ride.

Keep us posted on your progress, and best wishes to you!