Introduction- bit of background

Hello, my name is Travis. I’m 26 years old and I have been a student at the University of Michigan-Flint campus as a health science major with a Pre PT track. I thought that PT was a good platform to promote prevention, fitness and overall wellness while helping people overcome ailments using manual manipulation, exercise and other non-medicated remedies. However, I began to feel that PT was really limited. A friend of mine, who is an MD, recommended that I consider medical school. With a lot of research I ended up discovering osteopathic medicine and had a major “ah-ha” moment and now I’m working toward becoming a DO.

I’m looking to complete my undergrad since I’m so close to graduation, complete the necessary pre-reqs and get ready to apply. I’m really happy that I found this forum of non-traditional students to learn from and find some support. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of questions and maybe even some advice to offer too!