Hi. My name is Savannah Parker. I too have been lurking around this website for over a month now. I am so thrilled and encouraged that there are others out there like me and I am not crazy for wanting to pursue my dream. I am a 37 year old mother of three. My oldest child just turned 18 today . My other two are 16 and 10. I work full time for the federal government as a Management Information Specialist. I am planning to attend the conference in May with my husband. I am very excited.
I will be graduating on May 3, 2003 with a Bachelors in Management and Human Relations. I plan to start my premed sciences in the summer. I have been working with an excellent premed counselor at my local community college. He has given me all the moral support I need to start this journey. I dare not forget to mention my husband, Alan, who has always told me I can do this. My grades were not the greatest when I started pursuing my degree 13 years ago, but I also was not as wise as I am now. My GPA is 2.87. I took Cellular and Molecular Biology in the spring of 2000. I got a B+ which is not too bad considering I had not taken a science course since high school.
I thougt it was time to say Hi to everyone and I truly feel that we are all going to fulfil our purpose. I have searched many forums and I know it was no coincidence that I found this one. I feel at home here.
Thanks so much for your support.
Hi Savannah, welcome aboard! Congrats on your upcoming graduation and your decision to go premed. Also, congrats on having a supportive spouse, it's going to make a huge difference.
Don't worry about those old grades too much, you can't change them now and your more recent coursework will carry a heavier weight. If I read correctly, you're already working full time, taking care of three kids and going to school. Sounds like you're already pretty familiar with the word 'busy'. Since you and your husband can feel good about more schooling, you must be doing something right.
Welcome to OPM.
hi savannah, having obtained my bachelors and my masters with growing children i can applaud your successes with like feelings. i also noted that not once in your posting did you feel any of your responsibilties were baggage. they were what they were. hopefully i'll be applying to school in the next year…as my two kids turn 14 and 11. life will only be more interesting. good for you and good luck to you. i have found this site to be a transcendal form of support…funny how people you don't even know can be the best medicine…lizzied
Welcome! Someone recently shared this with me when I was dealing with the realities of giving up my well paying full time postion( ie scraping to get by) to pursue my dream of practicing medicine:
She said, “You don’t want to go out with the music still in you!” I could really relate to that.
Good Luck!
Hi Savannah. Welcome to OPM!!!
Not to be redundant, but I will throw in my warm welcome >>> WELCOME TO OPM!!!
You will find a great deal of companionship and empthy here…we're all either wlaking or have walked in the same shoes you are wearing. The beauty of OPM is our willingness to share what worked, what did not and what we feel that we could have done better. All you have to do is be open and ask…very few, if any, other places exist like this.
Again, welcome to OPM! The more you put into us, the more you get out of us. I would hope that your and several other recent comings out would serve to encourage other lurkers to bolster their courage and become an active participant.
I also note that you are planning to attend our DC conference! Bravo! At this event, you will see OPM at it's finest! On line, we're sharp…in person, we truly come into our own. There will be a ton of valuable information served up for the taking in…for both applicants & their spouses/SOs. There are presenters that will specifically be addressing applicant issues as well as speakers on topics that pertain to medical school & your professional career as a physician. This conference will be well worth the expenditure of resources…I can promise you that! I only wish that something like this existed when I was slogging blindly thru this process myself.
I look forward to meeting you in DC.
Hello and welcome, this has been a great place for me as im sure it will be for you. Good luck.