Hi I’m Owen. I joined the site recently wanted to introduce myself. I’m 29 years old. I recieved my BS in computer science in 2003, overall GPA 3.59, science GPA 3.72. I got a job doing software development while still in school but quickly realized that’s not what I wanted to do the rest of my life.
I decided I wanted to see if I could get into med school and naively decided to try and do it on my own. I took the MCAT in spring 2004, scored a 29O, did research with an organic chemistry professor during that summer and applied in the fall. I had gotten to know my organic chemistry professor well so I had he and the professor I did research with write letters of recommendation. I only applied to 4 schools and received secondaries from all of them. Again, naively, I decided to only send a secondary into one, UNC Chapel Hill. I interviewed with them, but during the interview I was questioned about my complete lack of medical related experience and ultimately did not get in.
Later I spoke to pre-med advisor at my university who recommended that I get EMT certified and accrue some experience that way. I didn’t make any moves on that until summer of 2006 when my software development job was running up and I decided to move back near my hometome and take a summer EMT-Basic course. That december I was hired full-time as an EMT-Basic. In 2008 I went through a Paramedic academy sponsored by the agency I worked for. The courses where through an accredited college and I graduated the course with a 3.87 GPA. I have been working as a full-time paramedic since.
I have also been volunteering at a once a week free medical clinic for just over 4 years. All my experiences have convinced me that I truely do want to persue a career as a physician.
Currently I’m studying to retake the MCAT in early spring and deciding whether I should take a few upper level biology courses since I was last in university in 2004.
If any one has any comments or suggestions, particularly as to how I could boost my application I would love to hear them.
Welcome to the site. Sounds like you’re putting things into place. Good luck with the plan!
Hello and welcome. It sounds like you are going to be competitive already (assuming all the pre-reqs are fulfilled), but if you’re looking to take some upper level courses and get back into the swing of studying, consider biochem and microbiology. If time permits, a basic genetics class and cell bio would be helpful too.
Hi Owen! Welcome to the site. I also live in NC. Good luck with everything. Sounds to me like you are on the right track. Did you try ECU?