I’m just starting a formal post-bac program, and my first day of class is this coming Monday. (!) While I’m a tad nervous, as can be expected, mostly I can’t wait to really get things going. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.
I had a post-bac orientation yesterday and met some of my fellow post-baccers, which was nice. So I’ll know a few faces in my classes/labs. That helps put me at ease a bit.
Anyway, not much more to say at this point (at least, not until classes actually start!), just wanted to put this update out there.
Any advice/encouragement would be warmly welcomed. Thanks.
How exciting! Best wishes to you for both your first day, as well as your first term. Let us know how it goes!
good luck! the fact that you’re with other post-bac’ers will probably make your transition back to school easier. i started my DIY with all freshmen and felt super old.
my second year started last week. just getting into a routine now and doing a lot of o-chem practice problems!
I’m extremely jealous! Best of luck to you.
Good luck to you. I didn’t do a post-bacc so I can’t be of any help. If I had only one piece of advice it would be to enjoy. Of course, make sure to also “hit the ground running”.
Keep us up to snuff.
Congrats!! Which school are you attending?
Congrats Terra; that is awesome.
Good luck Terra!
Yay! Cheering you on! I’m starting my postbac program next Tuesday at NYU and am nervous too but I know we can succeed if we work really hard. If you’d like to keep in touch and let me know how your program goes, feel free to email me at: tanyalim227@yahoo.com
Thanks for the best wishes, everyone. I’m happy to say that the beginning of my post-bac “career” has been good so far. I’ve connected with several other post-bac students in my program (there are quite a number of us, actually, which is nice), at least one in each of my classes. So that’s good. Someone to call if I get stuck on a homework problem! Always a good thing. I’m taking a hefty load, but I’m confident in my abilities. I know I will have to work really hard, and physics scares me a tad bit, but I believe I will do well.
I’m still getting used to the idea of HOMEWORK … it’s been a long time since I’ve done any of that. I don’t have much of it at this point, which is nice because it gives me time to figure out how I’m going to balance my various responsibilities (school + the rest of life).
Mostly, I’m excited, incredibly excited, to be doing this. Making this happen, taking the beginning steps. It’s thrilling! (Though I might say differently when I’m studying for my first physics exam. )
keep the drive, you will get through. I haven’t taken physics yet (one of my preferred subject though). Your first exam will be about kinematics, forces and newton’s laws. Piece of cake! You will do great.
you are going to ROCK l!!!
just remember to stay on top of things, not get behind and kick some major physics booty!!!
i have got my pom poms out and am in full cheerleader mode (and since you have met me you can only imagine how funny that is )
How are things going in your post-bacc program? I hope that things are well.