Hello, It’s been a while since I’ve been on this forum.
I have a question. In a couple of years when I decide to do a post-bacc I want it to be a linkage school (I’m really looking at Drexel and Temple). I’ve had college math; however, I would like to get a very thorough understanding of math, period, by taking the basics again. Specifically, I would like to take intermediate algebra (one step up from beginning algebra), college algebra (which provide more experience with polynomials, graphing etc.) and then trig/pre-calc (some schools require trig before calc, others combine college algebra with trig and call it “pre-calc”).
It seems like the schools with linkages don’t want people to take anything in the program lower than Calc 1. Am I right about this? Does anyone know of any linkage post-baccs that allow freedom in choosing courses outside of the core bio, chem, physics, and organic?
You mention that you will start your post-bacc studies in a couple of years. Why not take these introductory-level math courses at a local community or state college before you enroll in a formal post-bacc? The classes will be cheaper and (depending on the post-bacc program) smaller, in many cases.
I don’t know your situation, but this seems like a very wise option to me, especially if you don’t plan on enrolling in a post-bacc program for a couple of years.
yeah, I understand.
I actually have a very good hunch that I will be accepted into an accelerated nursing program come next fall (it will last 16 months). Since it’s accelerated, some of the advisors don’t want the students to take outside classes. I’ll see what I can do. Otherwise I’ll have to do it after I receive my BSN (which may cause a 1 year delay in being enrolled in a post-bacc).
I live in Wisconsin, and I was considering Loyola’s post-bacc program where you can take any course you want, but that glide year, uncertainty of getting into med school, and the horrific application process has motivated me to get into a linkage post-bacc (of course I will have to hard as the dickens to be a viable candidate for the adcom to let me enroll in their med school the next year )
I am somewhat confused why are going to nursing school if you want to be a physician? it seems from your post that you will receive your BSN and then start post-bacc for medical school? I do not get this sorry.
I began contemplating med school while I was already in the pre-nursing program at my school. I’ve already sent in my application for nursing school so I jut really want to finish something that I began before I begin something new.