looking for a physician recommendation....

A sort of distant relative has just been diagnosed with a tennis ball sized glioma and I’m trying to find a neurosurgeon that specializes in this type of condition in/around Richmond, VA or Washington DC. They were hoping for someone at Johns Hopkins…
I thought maybe someone here would maybe even know someone that they’d recommend… I’m still digging however.
Any help would be appreciated.

As a brain tumor survivor, I have to recommend the surgeon who removed my tumor. Dr. Gutin at Sloan Kettering in NY. I truly think he is one of the best in the nation. I know its far from Va, but in this type of situation you really want the best care you can get. If youre interested check out this link, web page
This doctor does nothing but this type of surgery, he literally works in peoples brains 4 or 5 times a week. He was really nice, his staff was awesome, I highly recommend him.
If you have any questions I might be able to answer please feel free to PM me.

If you want to go to Kettering, MSKCC, let me know. I work there and have his e-mail address. I can make contact if you would like.

They should look at Duke - I don’t know any of the details but I know they’ve got a specialized team for brain tumor treatment and I’ve heard of several people from Northern Virginia who went there.
While Hopkins has good “everything,” each center has its own particular specialty and I don’t think that brain cancer is big on their list. We tend to assume that if you’re in the same solar system you should go to Hopkins but as with any other big university center, they’ve got their particular interests.
I am not aware of any neurosurgery program in the D.C. area that I’d recommend for this.
I would strongly, strongly urge your relative to check into what Duke has available. And I wish him/her all the best. I am sorry to hear that he has to face such a momentous challenge.
Best regards to you all

Thanks for all the info everybody. I will forward it to them.
I’ve found someone that specializes in gliomas at VCU, a dr broaddus. He’s well-published and does a lot of research including gene therapies.
I had recommended that they see Dr. Al Rhoton, here in Florida (they are in Ft. Lauderdale and I am in St. Petersburg), but they don’t have a support network here in Florida (except me I guess) and wanted to take him back to Richmond where they live.
I also recommended my surgeon - who is in Sarasota.
All of the recommendations for neurosurgeons that I came across in DC were pediatric. All of them highly recommended - but not the best for someone in their 30s.
I wish that I had more information about the extent of his tumor - other than the size. I don’t know what grade it is or whether they’ve done any other tests to anticipate any complications. My limited understanding is that they JUST found out and don’t really know much of anything.
Thanks again everybody… if anybody comes up with anything else, I’d be happy to welcome it and pass it on.

Here is another link for people who have dealt with or are dealing with brain tumors. There is a wealth of info on this site.
Brain trust
If you look through the online support groups you will find people talking about the hospitals and doctors they were treated by. Its a great place to ask questions.


A sort of distant relative has just been diagnosed with a tennis ball sized glioma and I’m trying to find a neurosurgeon that specializes in this type of condition in/around Richmond, VA or Washington DC. They were hoping for someone at Johns Hopkins…
I thought maybe someone here would maybe even know someone that they’d recommend… I’m still digging however.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi there,
You may want to contact John Jane, M.D. who is chairman of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia. It may not be Hopkins but Virginia has one of the top neurosurgery departments in the country. Edward Laws, M.D. is another top choice at University of Virginia.
At Georgetown, there is Mary Kathryn Hammock, M.D./J.D. who is an excellent neurosurgeon especially with tumor resections. Her practice tends to be geared toward pediatric patients but she does treat adults.