Hi All!
Looking for some advice in planning my timeline for medical school. I am currently in my clinical year of PA school and will be graduating in less than a year. I’ve known for a while that I want to pursue the MD route & I know in my heart I will not be completely fulfilled being a PA. Would you advise applying for medical school straight out of PA school or try to work a few years as a PA? Does it look bad to admission committees if I start applying to medical school without even being done with PA school or without truly working as a PA? Overall, I think I am a fairly well rounded applicant, even through my science GPA could be higher. My undergrad GPA is a 3.64, science GPA is a little low at 3.2, >4000 hours as a CNA, lots of volunteer work in a free clinic & food bank, played basketball in undergrad with many other extracurriculars, and currently president of my PA class. My grades fell a little bit sophomore and junior year in my science classes, but senior year science classes were 3.7. My post-graduate GPA is a 3.55. I still need to take the MCAT, but have a study plan in place and have been reviewing nightly with Kaplan, Anki Decks, and Khan Academy. Any advice on how to go about this would be appreciated!
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