Lost my Mojo and I don't know where to find it.

Hi everyone,

I am in my 5th yr of school. I have a yr before Mcat.

It has been a lot of stress in my home life the last 2.5 yrs.

1.) My husband lost his job of 14 yrs @ Ford Motor Co. Design Center in Aug 2008. He is still unemployed.

2.) A month later his father died.

3.) A year to the day later 2009, his mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. We had a son die in 2000 from T-cell ALL so this brought back many painful memories. My husband went to her side in Oct. 2009 and stayed (in Pheonix) until she passed just before Christmas.

3a.) Fall 2009 registered for Gen Chem 1. Bad teacher. 1 week later changed teachers. Gave it 2 weeks. Lost in a big way. Maybe it was the stress. Dropped back to lame chem class 130. Also took Organismal bio (got a B) & College Algebra - A.

4.) Then our marriage almost fell apart.

5.) Winter semester 2010 was a complete disaster. The bottom had fallen out and i no longer could keep it together. Basic chem - E, precalc - D, weight training - C (forgot to take final! Ugh!)

6.) Took spring & summer off to recoop. Saved my marriage. YEA.

7.) Fall 2010 retook everything from winter semester. Basic chem - B, precalc - B, weight training - A

Everything was going well. This semester I am taking Gen Chem 1 with Lab, music 100 online, and two half semester blowoffs in the gym.

  • 3-4-11 * A surprise ice storm hit my town. I ran out to help my daughter who had fallen and was crying. I slipped, flew off the porch into the air, landed on my sacral area in the driveway, broke both bones in my right arm, had an adrenal crisis, passed out, and ended up in hospital by ambulance. (Oh i hate being a pt!)

    NOW I can’t write. I am in a full cast still. My back is bad/better/bad.

    Accessability office has no one to help me. Chem office told me “we will not allow someone else to write your answers on tests”. My chem professor has even denied me the overheads from lecture! * Thanks University of Michigan*

    So… here I am… looking at taking an ‘I’ for chem.

    I can’t seem to find the strength that I normally posess to carry on. I HAVE LOST MY MOJO!

    I guess I feel like three semesters with flaws is too much.

    Can anyone offer me advice? Or hope?



Hi Shan,

I am sorry that things are so rough for you. I don’t know that I have any advice to give for your situation. Just wanted to let you know that I’ll be thinking of you and your family in this difficult time.


I know this is a little late. First of all, you saved your marriage! That is AWESOME!! Secondly, there are seasons for mojo. It has been a really, really rough one for you, and I hope that in the time since your original post it has gotten better. But it will get better. You have legitimate reasons for having gotten the bad grades, so take more time off and just relax as much as possible. Heal up properly, physically and mentally, and keep chugging on with as minimal load as you can manage (i.e., without school for now!). Keep pressing on, sister. I hope all is well now…it may very well seem like aeons throughout the process (my marriage hit a rocky start and I remember how slow the tough times were and sometimes still are as we slowwwwwly pull through to better times), but in the span of a whole life it is only a short season.

You will make it!! Press on!