Hi everyone,
I am new here, so I apologize if this question has been asked before. Just for some quick background, I am a student who did not join the premed game until late (originally planned on being a teacher when I first entered undergrad). Long story short, I didn’t take school very seriously the first 5 or so semesters of undergrad, failed two chemistry classes, and really shot myself in the foot. I had a strong upward trend over the last 3 semesters of undergrad ( >3.6 cGPA and sGPA each semester), but still ended up graduating with a 3.15 cumulative GPA and about a 2.6 science GPA. To address that issue, I decided to enroll in a master’s program in physiology, which I am now close to completing with a 4.0. I have also just retaken the MCAT and improved from a 501 (two years ago) to a 516.
Essentially, my question boils down to this: how much is my poor undergrad GPA going to weigh me down? Between the upward trend at the end of undergrad, my 4.0 graduate GPA, and a 516 MCAT, I feel like I have done a decent job of demonstrating that I am academically up to par despite my low undergrad GPA. However, that undergrad GPA is hard to ignore, and since all of my prerequisites are tied to it, I’m not certain how to go about gauging my odds going forward. Any advice on how to navigate this scenario?