I figured I would start the thread, although I do not expect many responses. It is hard to keep up with forums as you move forward through Med School.
Anyway I am very happy that I matched in Radiology at UTSW!
Hopefully more will post.
Cheers all.
Congrats on matching (and on getting to stay home)!
Thx Bennard. Hopefully we will from some other opmers who matched as well…
Congrats on your match! Enjoy the rest of 4th year!
Thank you Synchronous. 2 more weeks to go… Almost done with MD school!
Haven’t been on here in awhile, and happy to see this thread! I’m so excited to share that I matched into Emergency Medicine at one of my top choices in one of my favorite cities!!!
Thank you to all of you who helped create this community of support and inspiration back when I was just starting medical school – it was so nice to know that there were so many other non-traditionals pursuing this path! And congrats to all the other MD/DO class of 2017 soon-to-be doctors!
Congrats on you match ksyhe! It’s awesome seeing everyone doing what the love!