Hi all,
I’ve been doing my best to catch up over the last month or so since I’ve decided to make a go for it.
I was wondering if anyone has heard of frequent or recent career changes being a concern for ADCOMs. I hate to post my life story and ask waddya think my chances are. There have been several similar topics, but I feel like my situation might be a fresh new take.
I’m half way through Physical Therapy School now. I didn’t think I could get into Medical School when I applied to go to PT school, and I thought I would be content and happy being a therapist. After doing a acute care clinical rotation in a CT ICU, I wont be happy unless I’m leading rounds and doing more for my patients than what I can do as a PT. And after doing some listening to the Old Premed Podcast I think I have a shot with the right MCAT score.
Recently a coworker I confided in said he would be concerned that I’m halfway through a doctorate and I’m already trying to change careers and that might look bad to the ADCOM. It’ll be my 4th career change in 10 years, Undergrad Mechanical Engineering, 4 Years as an Infantry Officer, and now half way through PT school.
I plan to finish my DPT and take the licensure exam. I’ve got a solid study plan from Next Step for the MCAT and will apply in this oncoming cycle if I meet my criteria for the MCAT score. I just had not considered to this point that finishing my DPT might not look great?