There was a similar post to this one on another web site, but I was wondering for all of us OPMs, does anyone plan on taking the MCAT in’07 (April or August)?
I do. I’m early in my process, done with Calc, Physics I and II, and Gen chem I. Still have Bio’s, Organics, and Gen Chem II left.
I figured I’d take my time and coast into the 07’ MCAT, which I heard will be a computerized test available like 20x’s/yr by then. I have mixed feelings about this. I just finished my licensing exam as a psychotherapist in CA and am starting my practice now. I took the licensing test when they first went to the computer version and everyone was failing when things didn’t display correctly, as well as other internal computer errors. I hope the MCAT people have their stuff together by 2007 when they bring out the new thing.
Coming out of OPM lurking land,
My original plan was to take the April 2006 MCAT.
However, since I’m working full time again and adjusting my quarterly class load a bit, it looks like 2007. On the bright side it’s my understanding that beginning in 2007 the MCAT goes computerized and will be offered at various times throughout the year rather than just April/August.
I’m shooting for '07 also, but it looks like it might be after the spring 07 semester. I’m starting my pre-reqs right now. I’m going to be pushing it to make 07, but I’m hoping to get into a post-bacc program.
Good Luck everyone.
I, too, am shooting for 2007. However, the thought of taking the MCAT by computer is a bit disconcerting, for it means I have to change the way I take tests. Normally, I skim the test, size up the questions, and work on the ones I am most comfortable, keeping in mind how much each is worth. Often I find myself doing tests backwards, i.e. doing the last questions first. Unfortunately, with these computerized tests, if they are anything like the GRE, don’t allow you to do that. Unfortunately, there are no computertized tests given by the test prep companies (Kaplan, etc.); they are still doing the paper versions. I can’t afford to experiment and do poorly, so I’m studying now for the MCAT, even though I just started my prereqs.
OTOH, the new MCAT is supposed to be shorter but just as accurate in predicting med school performance. Also, because it is electronic, it can be administered multiple times per year, perhaps allowing multiple repeats in case of poor prior performance.
I’ll be taking it in '07.
The practice MCATs I’ve taken on line at AMCAS are not computer adaptive tests; that is, you can read the questions and answer them in the order that appeals to you.
I had concerns about taking the USMLE on-line because I, too, like to do questions in random order - quickly answer the ones I’m sure of, leave hanging the ones that need more thought. I found that I was able to adapt my test-taking style for the USMLE, which did allow you to mark questions and go back to them. It took some getting used to but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
The other thing to know about the MCAT is that you do not have time to go skimming and going back to stuff. It is an awfully intense test that generally consumes the entire block of allotted time, and I say that as a VERY rapid reader and a quick test-taker. So the strategies you’ve developed for other tests don’t necessarily carry over to the MCAT anyway. I’m sure AAMC is working on prep material for the computer test and presumably the test prep companies are too.
I recently had a conversation with a med school MS1 who got a 39 on the MCAT. He stated that his secret was to “practice, practice, practice” doing the problems as fast as possible, so that you can “know the material cold. You don’t have time to dawdle.” Does this sound like practical advice?
Shooting for April 07. I am actually looking forward to the computerized test. Coming from an IT career and an IT degree it makes sense.
I’d like to think I’m part of this club too … preferably April - but might have to be August if I want ample time to study for it …
I’m hoping to take the MCAT in August of '07. Hard to say right now if that will work though with my expected course schedule while working full time. I might only be able to finish one semester of physics before then, but if it looks like I can handle the physics requirement regardless through good prep and self-study, I’ll do it.
I do. terrified yet looking forward!!!
I hope the MCAT people have their stuff together by 2007 when they bring out the new thing.
They have already been using it overseas and have a few test centers in the US which are using it as well.