MCAT modification

Anyone know whether this is for the April '03 or August '03 exam? Also, what do you think the impact will be of eliminating 5 VR questions. I’m assuming that they’ll surely have to make them a lot harder in order to distinguish between 13, 14 and 15, because you can only miss about 2 questions now in order to get the 13-15 max score possible.
"An Updated MCAT Is Coming!
In 2003, minor changes will be made to the MCAT. A few organic chemistry questions will be replaced by questions on DNA and genetics, the Verbal Reasoning (VR) section will have five fewer questions, it will be possible to achieve a 14 or 15 on the VR, and a total score will be reported (e.g., 45T). PS will become the first section of the day, followed by VR."

AFAIK it is beginning with the April 2003 exam so that all YR2003 takers will have the same format.

Yep, April.
I'm still trying to figure out how taking questions out of VR will spread out the curve.

Good grief! I just heard the same thing from a friend of mine that’s going to be teaching the princeton review, but even he doesn’t know yet where to get practice materials for the new format. Does anyone out there know where new practice test materials are available with the new format???
justdoit ohmy.gif

Hey gang, I just received the ExamKrackers “101 Passages in MCAT Verbal Reasoning,” and it’s geared towards the new MCAT. It’s a bit expensive, but all EK materials are worth the $$$ in my opinion. Here’s what’s in it:
- Eleven 85 minute full length practice MCAT VR exams in the new MCAT format (674 questions)
- Explanations for all correct and incorrect answer choices
- Tear out answer sheets to simulate zen-bubbling
Hope that helps everyone - my weakest area is verbal reasoning (having degrees in electrical engineering and physics) and I am really hoping this book helps as I prepare for the Apr 03 exam.
And, if anyone cares, I have to put a plug in here for ExamKrackers… their books are simply fantastic. Combined with the Audio Osmosis you really get a fantastic review both visually and audially. I am using the EK materials to do a basic review, and then will take the TPR course Jan-Apr.
Good luck to everyone on the MCAT (and I’m crossing my fingers for those who took it this month!)!
Adam rolleyes.gif

Thanks divejeep for the tip. I'm seriously thinking of purchasing some of Exam Krackers material myself!
As for the MCAT change, I'm actually thrilled!!! My background is in Biological Chemistry so I look forward to the Genetics questions!

Thanks divejeep!
Did you have to order the EK VB tests or did you purchase them from a bookstore? I can tell you TPR is only somewhat helpful. It's a good basic review but that's it. It does however, keep you on a nice tight schedule if you need an organized way to cover everything. It's basically what you put into yourself. Unfortunatley I was working at the time and failed to do that.
I would still recommend it.
I can't believe it's going to be more biochem based and biochem isn't a pre-med course. How f'd up is that?? I decided to take it this semester. Hopefully it will help for the upcoming MCAT this april.
Good luck to all this april!
justdoit :slight_smile: