First of all, congratulations to all those who made it through the MCATs this weekend.
Secondly, I’m intrigued by Mary Renard’s post about motivational butt-kicking music to play on the way to the MCAT. I think it’s an awesome idea.
Anyone have any suggestions of what they might play?
My first thoughts would be:
Eye Of the Tiger - Survivor (of course)
These Boots are Made for Walkin’ -
Shove - L7
Simply the Best - Tina Turner
We Will Rock You - Queen
We Are The Champions - Queen (I don’t actually like Queen, but I could see why someone would want to include it)
Big Gun - Ice-T (especially if you’re female)
No Sleep 'til Brooklyn - Beastie Boys (more the rhythm than the words)
My boyfriend recommends the Elements by Tom Lehrer, which cracks me up.
I think music is a bad idea because you can get that perverbial song stuck in your head and it will distract you from the exam.
Perhaps music without words, a full blown symphony…
“Ride of the Valkyre” (ie used in “Apocalypse Now”) to put you full attack mode.
“Blue Danube Waltz” (ie used in "2001: A Space Odyssey)to put you in a calm thought mode.
Or maybe a Bach Cantata to get help from above.
Personally, I am blowing heavy metal into my ears.
Seriously though, I think not so much to get you started but something have in the back of your mind to keep you going as that long day drags on. I used a similar idea on long hiking/backing trips. Going 2 miles uphill after being on the trail for 8 hours, I like to have strong “beat” in my head. For some reason Atlantis Morrisette’s “Hand in My Pocket” in what I seem to have bouncing in my head on the most difficult late day stretches, occasionally replaced by Groucho Marx’s “Lydia, the Tattooed Lady” when I need a laugh.
I am sure for the MCAT’s, as well as the rest of the many steps that I take while on this journey, I will have a line from the song “The Impossible Dream”
“And I know, if I always be true to this glorious quest,
that my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I’m laid to my rest”
On the way to the test:
Velvet Underground "Sweet Jane"
Prince "Little Red Corvette"
David Bowie "Heroes"
Salt 'n Pepa "Push It"
Bruce Springsteen "Born to Run"
Diana Ross "Ain’t No Mountain High Enough"
On the way home:
Maureen McGovern “There’s Got to Be A Morning After”
One of mine would definitely be
Lose yourself by Eminem
It is definitely my song when I’m trying to get into high gear, especially when I’m scared…
Prolly some others would include:
We are the champions - Queen
I am somebody (religious, not sure who does it)
God is truly Amazing (also religious)
Born to be Alive – Patrick Hernandez
I’m Allright – Kenny Loggins
You Aint seen nothing yet – BTO
Friends in Low Places - Garth Brooks
Independence Day - Martina Macbride
Yaadon Ki Baaraat – Indian movie song
Music is a must anyway… I’m not going to get anything stuck in my head… Anything to feel good and not scared is a good idea.
Hey, fundraising idea: OPM MCAT motivational music CD! Coming after that: USMLE Step 1 CD!!