Med school Debt

Ok so here I am an NP who wants to fill in my gaps of knowledge and become an MD ,the passion is overwhelming. BUT at 49 just stating the prereqs for med school I won’t graduate till age 57, will I have enough time to pay off my loans. Am I crazy to want to pursue this, I am having sleeples nights.

On another note I want to finish the pre classes quick can anyone recommend what two classes I can do toghether I know chemistry is hard, but if I take everything one at a time it will take four years

I usually try and point anyone in pre-med that is concerned about the money side of it to the National Health Service Corps. This is definitely something I will be taking advantage of, and know of at least one doctor that is currently in the program. Good luck.

Thanks so much, will check it out

  • jazzy Said:
On another note I want to finish the pre classes quick can anyone recommend what two classes I can do toghether I know chemistry is hard, but if I take everything one at a time it will take four years

Are you working full time? If so, that might make it difficult (but not necessarily impossible) to take multiple classes. Also, what are your strengths? That's another thing to think about when planning your courses.

In addition to the basic pre-reqs, some medical schools like to see advanced coursework (biochem, genetics, microbio, etc.). That is something to consider as well.

I know you want to get this done quickly, but be careful about that mentality. These courses are meant to prepare you for the MCAT, as well as the basic sciences in med school, and the grades you receive will be scrutinized very closely. So it is imperative to do well in them.

I agree with Terra! After assessing your math and science skills, I would take an Introduction to General Chemistry course and a math placement test. The Intro to General Chemistry class will give you the foundation for General Chemistry; the math placement exam will help determine your math level.

If all goes well (and you are dealing with a perfect situation), I would register for the following:

General Chemistry I + lab

Math (Algebra, Trigonometry, or Pre-Calc)

Moreover, try not have “sleepless nights.” You have a long journey ahead of you!

Good Luck!