I need advise. I am 46 and currently enrolled in post bacc program, so far my GPA is 3.9. Undergrad in Mech Engr w/ GPA 4.0.
I am planning to quit my six figure job to go full time to complete prereqs (orgo and bio) - cannot handle both 60 hr work week and school on top of it. I have two kids 10 and 14 and I am debt free, accept for mortgage. My wife has her own business and is supportive of my crazy plan. By the time I finish post bacc I will be 47. Is it too late at my age? Is there anyone in similar situation? Thanks!
It is never too late. The oldest student in our class is 45 year old female. Now you do not see many brave ones like her and she is doing fine. It is not easy for her and she has two kids as well. Again, she is doing great.
good luck
I do not think so at 47 you would go at 48 and then graduate at 52 and residency (shortest is 3 years)
finish ready for private practice at 55.
Not too old IMHO.
Hey there!
I’ll be turning 47 shortly and starting med school at the end of July, so yes, there are others who are in the same boat as you. And what a great boat it is! Truly, there’s something to be said for the perspective you’ve gained in life thus far that can be of benefit to both you and your future, younger classmates.
Sounds like you’re in a great position to do this. So, go do it! Live your dream and have a blast along the way…
I am 48 and still finishing my Post-bacc. Ignore the age issue…you aren’t crazy
Will turn 50 in December which will be in the middle of my first year.
I remember well when I said to my chemistry prof that I thought I was too old to go to medical school. He asked a simple question: “How old will you be in five years? And, if you go to medical school, how old will you be in five years?” He went on to say if you really want to do something, then go ahead and try to accomplish it. You’ll never know if you could have done something if you don’t try. . . and you will always wonder.
My story. . . started med school at 52; had a few delays along the way (read my diary), and won’t graduate until I’m 58. Can’t wait!!
It’s gratifying to read of so many success stories.
I think another quite common question for those who visit this site is how to respond to the notion that older applicants won’t practice as long as their younger counterparts. First of all, realize that this notion is an ageist, specious sophism. Followers of this fallacy assume that medical practitioners will have to stop practicing at a certain age—usually somewhere around the 60s because that’s when Social Security kicks-in. This can’t be further from the truth. Easily, I can find surgeons and physicians who have practiced or who are currently practicing well past their 80s and 90s. On the other hand, I can easily find a sizeable number of medical students, residents, and physicians who while in their 20s left, by force or by choice, medicine altogether. “But,†these ageist minions may reply, “by the average lifespan. . .†Well, exactly, “by the average†we’re all going to get sick and die. “By the average†medicine is a colossal failure (how many people who are still healthy and alive today divided by how many people are living and have lived on this earth). So using your logic shouldn’t we just demolish the medical complex altogether and put the resources into something more productive? Like eugenics, maybe? We continue to support this behemoth medical complex because it is right and moral at least to try to alleviate sickness and to prolong life in spite of the overwhelming odds. “But,†the desperate ageists retort, “there are such limited resources. . .†Exactly. Residences and medical schools (no matter private or public) receive nearly all their funding from tax-supported Medicare, tax-supported student loans, and/or tax-supported government budget allocations. Who, “by the average†has paid the most in taxes? Yes, the older medical school applicants are the ones who have. The older applicants have more claim to these “limited resources†and are far more invested in becoming physicians. This is usually enough to shut the ageists down, but if the ageists persist there is more in my arsenal that can be unleashed.
I am 48 and just started my post-bacc. It’s not the age - it’s the mileage that counts. If you have more mileage left and the destination is right - then do it!
I haven’t written on this board in a while - shame on me, because I’ve gained so much as a member here.
I quit a 5 figure, 60-hour work-week, two-job combo a while back to pursue pre-med shooling.
Now, at age 52, I’m in a 70-hour-of-study-a-week first year med-school program.
It’s no easier than work was, believe me! Yet, I do wake up with a smile every morning, and go to bed exhausted every evening.
Good luck!
Ron, I aspire to be like you. You are one of the smartest people I have met (online).
And to DreamMD: Your GPA is outstanding; now just get the prereqs and the experience and go for it. I wish I was in your situation . . .