Medical School without MCAT in NY

New York Medical School Widens Nontraditional Path For Admissions 27/1730792…

What are your thoughts on the Flex Med program?

It might be non traditional because MCAT is not involved but still pretty geared towards traditional students.

I am a huge fan of the Mt. Sinai program. It allows premeds to spread their wings and sample courses in other disciplines. As a result, these students are able to think more broadly and are less encumbered by their undergraduate education. From an age standpoint, yes, the students are traditional. But Mt. Sinai also appreciates post-bac and nontraditional students; I forged a “linkage” between Johns Hopkins and Mt. Sinai when I was director of the Hopkins post-bac program. This allowed qualified post-bac students to apply while completing their premed courses, thereby skipping the “glide” year, the year after completing a post-bac program when most post-bacs apply to med school. Mt. Sinai definitely values nontraditional students; I’ve seen it in action. I admire the example they are setting for other med schools with the Flex Med Program. I hope other schools follow suit.


  • lizat Said:
Mt. Sinai definitely values nontraditional students; I've seen it in action.

I'll second this, it's a great school for nontrads with families too!