Medical Tool Invention Connections?

One of my family members who knows that I’m working toward med school just approached me with an idea he has for a surgical tool. I agreed to help him look for anyone who’s more knowledgeable about how to move forward with his idea, whether from a legal, clinical, or engineering perspective.

Does anyone here know anyone that might be able to help him safely develop his idea, or has anyone come from a relevant industry and thus would be able to offer some advice/expertise?


Not sure if you know this already, but you would want to specifically seek an Intellectual Property Patent attorney. Patent lawyers major in science/engineering and deal with new inventions and some specialize in the healthcare/medical field. Sorry I can’t be of more help but I figured I’d let you know since many people don’t know the kind of lawyer to talk to for certain issues. Good luck!

Thank you; I’ll make sure he does that (I’m not talking to anyone haha–I’m too busy!). I don’t suppose you know any?