MLS interested in Medical School

I am a recently graduated MLS health professional. My undergrad degree is at cumulative 3.2, sciences are stronger since I have taken many upper level classes. I originally was going for pre-pharm and then I was accepted in pharmacy school. After first semester first degree relative, my mom ( my only surviving parent) was diagnosed with cancer, the need for me to drop the school and work supporting my family and decision that the pharmacy world was not for me. Basically I left pharmacy school after the first semester. After working four years in clinical laboratory and then clinical pathology laboratory, I pursued education in MLS program. As part of the curriculum we were required to perform phlebotomy on the floors of the hospital and several outpatient clinics ( my patient interaction experience) Program is hospital based and very rigorous clinical sciences curriculum. I graduated from the program with a 3.75 gpa.From my past life experiences I always wanted to be a doctor in Oncology/ Heme. I never pursued that route cause I thought it is impossible for someone like me. I came from a family of a single parent, first generation immigrant and a Slavic culture where woman generally are expected to marry young and have children, rather than become a doctor. When I graduated from bachelor’s degree, I gave up on my dream, but coming back and being able to achieve MLS empowered me enough to not settle and work harder. Looking back at this story, I want to become a physician, but does someone like me even have a chance?

I want to become a physician because I care very much about the oncology patients, I wish I could sacrifice my energy and time to ease their suffering.