My intro...non-chlorinated

My name is Mehgan. I have been on and off this forum for a few years while deciding what to do with going back to school. I have started my first semester back to school this Spring and it is pure hell but fun I will admit. I am at the U of Minnesota-TwinCities campus and it is huge! I am an RN for the past 5 years so I have been out of school those 5 years working on my career. I am a 2-year RN so I need to get a bachelor’s degree. I am not married, have no kids except two cats and a puppy. I am really struggling with getting back into the “school routine” but I think it is slowly getting better, maybe this first semester will just be the hardest while I do that and things will get a bit easier with the study schedule or at least more routine. I also have some factors that make it a bit more tough for me at times, I have bipolar type II, generalized anxiety, borderline personality, and ADD… i know, holy crap! I told you this intro was non-chlorinated just like the gene pool, all the crap is left in. Hope this doesn’t scare too many people away, if it does oh well and BOO! from me. I have had my illness for 29 years so I know how to manage it very well, if anyone else has a chronic illness mental or physical I would love to hear how things are going for you, you can IM me for privacy. I also have fibromyalgia too. No pity party here though, I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself between school and work and puppy and kitties and boyfriend and life. Well, this is my little intro, I am trying to keep up more with this site and get the support through this process and i need and also give my support to people who need it too! Take care every one. Mehgan

Hi Meghan. Best of luck to you! Enjoy the melting snow–are we gonna make it wihtout another snow storm for the rest of the year???

Thanks Larry!
I heard we are expecting snow by the end of the week! Crap!! LOL.