My Pred-med story

Well my story hasn’t really started yet. I just began contemplating medical school.

I’m currently 32 and a business analyst. I have a BS and a Master’s degree in an unrelated field. The thought of “creating requirements documents” for the next 30 years just made me sad. I’m tired of the cube life. I believe I have the intellect for careers that make much more money and I’m ready for something completely different. I wish I had been as focused when I was younger and had more brain power, LOL.

My main concerns going forward are

  1. Money- not paying for school but going from a full time job with decent income to, I guess, part-time at best but probably no job. I am married but living on my husband’s income alone will be very uncomfortable.

  2. Getting accepted- when I was younger I had a bunch of scholarships and getting accepted to school wasn’t an issue. Being critically judged worries me a little.

  3. Changing my mind. I tend to be a little fickle- not conducive to a stint in med school. Ah well…

    I look forward to reading this forum and either being scared shietless or inspired.

Hi. Our stories sound a bit similar. I’ve been an engineer for a long time, and am also fed up with the “cube life”. I’ve got a BS and MS in my field, and I quit working full-time last year to go back and complete my pre-reqs.

So far as money goes, you just need to have a plan in place. When you’re in med school, you’ll be able to take out a certain amount in loans that is designated for living expenses, so you may not have to get through on just your husband’s salary alone.

If this is what you really aspire to be, don’t let any of those issues get in the way. You’ll find a way to work it out. You’ll also find a lot of like-minded people here. Welcome!

I’ve tried to talk myself out of it at this point. I know I can spend about 2 years studying something in my current field and be where I want to be financially. I don’t have a passion for medicine or science like I’ve read others talk about.

It’s still lingering in my mind because I know it will be challenging. I don’t think 10 years from I’ll look back with regret because I’m so bored with my prospects. I think it’s an hOnorable profession. The knowledge one has as a doctor is the most important in the world right? And I’ve always imagined myself as a helper of people. I’m not sure if these are the best reasons.

At this point it’s med school or sharepoint developer…

As an old fart, with a lot of life wisdom as well as schooling, it is not about choosing something to make money to live on. You need to figure out what makes your heart beat fast…what excites you, what moves your spirit. Something that no matter what, you are eager to go to work in the morning and do it all over again. Look at your likes and dislikes, and your specific set of talents that God gave you ( artist? musician? dancer? languages?)Go in the direction of WHAT YOU LOVE…and the money will take care of itself. I joke every day that I get to do something every day, that I would DO ANYWAYS, and I get paid for it…it is like winning the job lottery. Becoming a doctor will allow me to do what I love, out to the very ends of the credential, at all possible levels, hopefully allowing me to touch and help others even more and better than before. If the best answer you have for becoming a doctor is “it is probably a worthwhile investment” Or “helping people is nice”…it is kind of vague, and doesn’t really describe what your loves and passions are and how becoming a doctor would fit with that. And if becoming a doctor wouldn’t fit with your loves and passions, What Would??? ( See the occupational handbook for the Department of Labor). Not trying to discourage you, but do want you to choose something that resonates with your spirit and makes full use of your god given talents - because doing anything less than that is just plain meaningless drudgery to turn a dollar. And if being a doctor doesn’t make your heart sing…it can become drudgery too. Food for thought.

Thanks Vicki. I’ve been through that Occupational Outlook handbook extensively and that’s actually when I considered becoming a doctor. I actually got pretty excited about the idea. Then I thought of all the reasons I shouldn’t (FUD).

I hear people say do what you love and the money will follow, but I have to be honest- I don’t think that’s true. That’s the point of view I had when I started college and it didn’t work out that way at.all. If I had it to do over again, I’d follow the money. Much easier to change your mind later.

But I understand your point. Honestly the only thing I find exciting right now is NOT doing what I’m doing anymore, LOL. For now I’ll keep reading.