Najeeb videos

Anyone have any experience with these videos?

My wife who teaches A&P said he is excellent. He has a strong accent, but looking at a few of his videos, I believe the guy is indeed quite good, but his stuff is pretty in depth - kind of med school level type, so it all depends what purpose you have in mind.

Unfortunately, while he started posting his videos for free, I believe you now have to pay to access some of them. Not sure, but again, I remember watching a video on the kidney and it was very good.

  • redo-it-all Said:
Unfortunately, while he started posting his videos for free, I believe you now have to pay to access some of them. Not sure, but again, I remember watching a video on the kidney and it was very good.

They're definitely not free anymore.

A couple of my students asked me about him and I had never heard of him before (or couldn't remember), so I thought I run it by OPM.

Given my disdain for all things physiology related, I imagine that when the time comes, I'll look into his physio videos since I heard they were pretty good.