Need Help - International Applicant who resides in USA with F1 visa - Pre-requiste Question

Hi OldPreMeds,

Your Podcasts have made a big impact in my journey and have been the Best guide I could ever find. However, I didn’t come across any discussion on how international students changing careers in USA will have to deal with the process or may be I havent reached there yet. I have tried asking these questions on various platforms but couldn’t get an answer. I would like to know if you could Answer this Question to me. I feel very helpless in this area. I will be very Grateful!

I have questions pertaining to whether I need to take my pre-requisites all over again or the ones that I have under my belt are enough to get accepted by US Medical schools

All of the following are from one of the Top colleges and Universities in India.

  • I have a Bachelors degree in Organic Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Microbiology and Zoology
  • I have Masters degree in Clinical Microbiology - Immunology, systemic bacteriology, general bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology
  • The pre-requisites that I have under my belt are Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology.

The following are from the US

  • Entered USA in 2016 for my MBA and during this period I had taken Business Statistics, Accounting and Finance which are Math coursed.
  • I am now pursuing my Masters in Information Technology Management and will be graduating in 2020

So my questions are:

  1. Do I need to take my pre-requisites all over again since I am an international student or the ones that I have under my belt are enough to get accepted by US Medical schools?
  2. If they are enough, what can I do to convert my grades and percentages into US’s GPA? is there a tool?
  3. I don’t not have any math pre-requisite so is it okay if I rely upon my Master level Business Statistics, Accounting and Finance courses that I have taken in the USA or should I take a math pre-requisite anyway?

Thank you so much for your Time and Patience. I apprecate it :slight_smile: