NEJM, on journal clubs

I am pleased–oh, who am I kidding? I’m ridiculously stoked–that this week under the heading “Becoming a Physician” I have a Perspective essay in the New England Journal of Medicine: “Journal Clubs–Science as Conversation.” In which I discuss the virtues of journal clubs.

check my s**t out at:

n engl j med 351;1:10-12. july 1, 2004

it’s actually a really good issue–so, hey, check it all out.


Dude! First NPR, now the NEJM! You rock!
Congratulations. You’re a great writer and deserve the recognition.
I’ll have to check it out.
Take care,

Hey Joe,
Congratulations on the writing! I haven’t been wrong about you yet! You have so much to say and eloquently at that.