new here: hello and help

I am a non-traditional new member of this board and am looking for some help and support. I graduated medical school over 10 years ago as a former non-traditional student and OPM. I was not, however, among the oldest of the OPMs. I find myself now a burned out family practitioner. I am presently not practicing following a relocation to another state with my husband as well as having spent over a year facing my own physical illness. Several months ago, I had neurosurgery and my recovery is thankfully coming along on course.
To anyone out there, especially to the both “Marys” out there with whom I identify in age and gender, I need some support in navigating a return to medicine in a different capacity - perhaps, pursuing a different specialty/residency at my age. I am so removed from the academic environment and have no support system if I were to consider retraining. I had concerns about residency training at my age but thanks to this board I see that it is occurring.
On the other hand, without discussing some of my experiences, I have endured a wide swing of emotions causing me to consider abandoning my career as a physician. On some days, I consider returning to retraining and on other days I have even considered returning to school to become an allied health care professional - you know, like going from MD to RN or RT! Other days I consider becoming a realtor or a financial planner. There is a big part of me that cannot see leaving medicine - I always loved helping and working with patients in a health care setting. However, there were experiences within the present U.S. medical system that truly tore at me. I guess I was too sensitive and let things get to me… I would say that I would require a non clinical setting if I were to return to my career as a physician. Well hey, atleast I would not be rated along with my fellow clinic physicians for how many patients seen/hour and how many dollars billed (sounds much like life in a law firm, right?). Another concern I have is my own health no longer permits the same level of physical stamina I possessed in the past.
I know that my plea for support and help is not traditional for this board. In other ways, I will be similar to some of you should I return to pursue another residency. In closing I just want to say how much I admire all of you here, especially all of the women facing residency over the age of 40 or 50.
OPM is an awesome organization!
I initially posted this in the “medical school” forum by mistake.

Hi. I admire your courage in actively seeking support for a return to medicine. Without knowing details of your situation, I was wondering if you'd considered an MPH if you don't already have one, and possibly working in public health. It sounds like it might be reasonable option for you. You could potentially do an MPH in a year, at the most two, depending on the program. You could do it either as a stand alone, or as part of a preventive medicine residency. You could potentially work in an environment where you aren't billing patients or having to worry about that side of medicine, and it wouldn't require the physical stamina needed to see patients. You might even be able to work part time.
Just a thought.

Thank you so much for your suggestions! I'm going to guess by your screen name that you already possess an MPH with an emphasis in Epi. The path that you have suggested is one I feel most at ease pursuing and have some knowledge of the application procedure as well (the program in my city is outside the ERAS; I know nothing about ERAS since my training was done prior to it). With more time off than I expected due to my surgery (I'd hoped to have applied for entrance this year), my mind wandered in all sorts of directions. Additionally, the more I convalesced, the more I was losing confidence. I am greatly encouraged here reading about those who have experienced similar confidence hits along different stages of the process.
I've harbored fears of judgment and rejection by programs when faced with explaining my medical circumstances and my time out of medicine.
Your suggestions have helped me refocus on an option that unlike some see more doable and fitting to my present circumstances. That is not to say that need to stay with what's safe.
My best wishes to you as well!

Burned out, (my god that sounds like a really bad Ann Landers article name), anyway…
I think what simply needs to be done is find out what it is that is your passion. What it will be that could get you going everyday and be excited about it. What will it be that could carry you beyond motivation.
See, most people have motivation, but it only carries them so far. You need more than that…you need a passion. Those are the things your brain will key in on and say “yeah we really liked doing that, let’s go do it again, it was fun!” Then the negatives that come in from complacency will be just distant echoes and barely heard.
Not only will you feel more energetic, but you’ll be happier.

I Know what you mean about my screen name! I chose it on pure emotion and never even anticipated actually posting. I think that I need something more positive eventually - for my own good. There is another name I’ve used on neuro patient boards but I am not here as a patient.
Your words are truly significant. My husband (a non medical person) had a secure, fairly good paying job which was utter drudgery to him. The interstate move has provided him with an opportunity for something about which he can get excited. So, yes, your words are well taken.
Futrfysician, I’ve read about your journey, and what an incredible one it is!
I really admire you! Thanks again for your thoughts… smile.gif

OMG…someone is reading my drivel!!! Run away!! Run away!! Save yourself before it is too late!
I think the best thing you did is come here. Of course I am biased but hey…
I hate lists, but perhaps doing a list of what you want might be productive and help you narrow your focus. You have a lot to give since you have an MD and can venture many avenues.
I do not know what area you live in, but before I left a friend of the families who is a VP at a very powerful brokerage came right out and said if I wanted a job as an analyst after school, I could get one with them in the BioMedical/Tech sector for a starting salary of $200k. Gotta tell you, that little talk has my wallet burning.
ahhh the large plasma screen in the master bedroom of 1500sq ft…the 34ft Sea Ray cruiser…the, huh? oh yeah
Anyway, my point is there are tons of options and you just need to find what is going to make you passionate about life again. You'll find it.

Drivel indeed! I, too, think that the best thing I did was find this site. No matter what I chose, I can be assured to be encouraged by the members of this organization.
All that I've done over the past decade is see patients. I don't know anything about being an analyst and could never imagine someone chosing me for that position. Unlike some folks here, I never had a career of some expertise prior to graduating from medical training. I'm really lacking in the networking aspect of things as well.
Wouldn't want to worry about keeping tidy that 1500 sq foot master bedroom! Oh, that's right, I would have a housekeeper for that. As it is, you've pretty much described the size of my entire house!
For the record, I spent most of my life on the left coast of the U.S. and am now in the Pacific Northwest.
I don't doubt that I will eventually find my niche… I'm just getting awfully impatient as more time has elapsed than I would have liked…

if I wanted a job as an analyst after school, I could get one with them in the BioMedical/Tech sector for a starting salary of $200k

hey Joe, I spent the day yesterday helping friends move into their "dream house" (purchased with a hefty 6-figure inheritance) - wow was it nice, ummmmm prolly 6000 sq. ft. Got me thinking, gee, how about interventional radiology instead of FP? tongue.gif But then I read your note and thought, hey, how about a job as a BioMedical analyst LOL. So keep that name and number and if I decide that I don't want to talk to people all day about the importance of checking their blood sugar or losing weight, maybe I'll want to talk to him! j/k.... I think.

Well, okay, who is this guy who would be interested in an MD? biggrin.gif
I’ll even work for half of 200K!
Wow, Mary, a 6000 sq ft house! Atleast you’ve seen the inside of one - that’s one on me! biggrin.gif As I’ve already said, I don’t want to clean it!