New member-Introduction

Hi Everyone,

I’m a 26 yr old Husband/father of 3 (3,5,7) Hospice RN with dreams and aspirations to one day be a practicing physician. I initially went into nursing as it was readily available at my community college and I needed to have a good job to provide for my family. I have always wanted to be a physician but thought I would be satisfied with nursing. After working for a few years I realized that intellectually I was not satisfied and wanted to understand far more.

I have an amazing job and love what I do, but I have a deep desire to truly understand more and to be able to help society the best possible way that I can. I plan on taking my pre-reqs in a year after my wife finishes her nursing degree. I have an associates degree currently. I still have to take a year of Chem, O-Chem and Physics and get my bachelors degree before I can think about applying.

As I wait for my wife to finish her degree what do you guys suggest I do now to best prepare my self for the difficulty of medical school. Any suggestions on how to help stay motivated during this long journey? Where can I find any OPM success stories on this site.

I’m very glad I found this site.

Hi, I’m a Mom of 5 (15, 13, 10, 7, 5) with 10 years of fabulous on you :wink: I’m currently working on my ADN so I can afford more school (HA) My community college just started offering Chem 1 Chem 2 O Chem etc. SO I’ll be taking that along with the regular nursing classes (entering 2nd semester next month, just finishing up Micro now) Everything should transfer to the state school and I should only have a few classes needed to get a BS in Human Biology. Fingers Crossed.

I would get hooked into MCAT study sessions online, don’t take try a semester of science classes…It’s rough working and caring for family while doing school. It will help you figure out balance.

Good luck with getting your ADN. Its exhausting but so worth it. Ill look into the MCAT study sessions online. Are they free?


The one’s I have looked into have fees. However If you need feedback and direction for studying it would be helpful.