New Orleans

Need some help from someone who is familiar with New Orleans. The American Academy of Neurology’s annual convention is there this year. However, the blocked hotel rooms are listed as sold out for the dates I will be there (20-29 April). Plus, they are very expensive (I am paying out of pocket). Anyone who knows the area who can recommend areas with hotels that are moderately nice-- your advice would be greatly appreciated. I am not opposed to renting a car as the amount to rent a car plus the hotel may be significantly better than the $250+ per night rooms that may be available. I have an e-mail in to the convention planners asking about alternatives since the rooms are listed as sold out.

Thanks in advance!!

I asked my friend Barry, who lives in the area, for more specific ideas, and he’ll get back to me.

If your convention is near the Quarter, Le Richeleu might work. It’s down at the end, near the Market so a little bit of a hike to Canal St. It’s no frills, but a good cafe, bar, pool area and I remember it being relatively quiet. Rates are in the $150/night range.

Another option is

I’m not familiar with New Orleans and haven’t looked through what they have available, but that’s where my family finds vacation homes to rent. There’s a pretty wide range of prices. They’re private residences used as a second income source. Every once in a while, I’ll see a B&B on there, too.

Good luck!

My buddy Barry is looking into a couple of options if you’re okay driving in from Kenner. It’s about a 30 minute commute in rush hour.

I’ll do anything I can to help u with this.

ex army and now Coast guard. (military family and all that jazz…) How could I not??

Tara, any updates? Have you found anything yet? Barry’s found a place out in Kenner. There’s a Sheraton in Fat City (on Causeway), which is a good 10 minutes closer in.


I found a B&B that is very reasonably priced and has great reviews. I’m excited!

Right by the French Quarter too, which is close enough to the convention hotels for e to walk to those and catch the shuttle to the convention center.

Thanks everyone for the uggestions. Your suggestions led me directly to the place I found

Dr. Cook,

I enjoyed your presentation in 2011. I am a Navy Officer going back to Med School. Any words of wisdom for the old guy? Did you use military scholarships for Med School, if so, HSCP or HPSP?



id be interested, also; since I’ll probably be going the military HPSP route as well…