Dr. Robert Bowman (who will be speaking at the OPM conference in June) provided the following information which I thought might be interesting to many of us on the site. I encourage you to check it out!
From Dr. Robert Bowman (University of Nebraska)
New web pages added at Physician Workforce Studies:
best accessed by
http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/physician_workforce_studies.htm [/url]
Physician Distribution in the United States (best linked from above) - A
comprehensive summary of the most important considerations. This is an
Executive summary with linking web documentation, this one is perhaps the
best guide to the works on this rural medical education site and many other
works. It is perhaps one of the best rationale efforts for family medicine,
for better education efforts, for enhanced medical education, and for
physician distribution emphasis
Comparing Medical Students By Class Year - important for noting long term
impacts and also health policy impacts. http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/class_year_comparisons.htm
Flawed Physician Workforce Beliefs - perspective can be everything, common
mistakes made. http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/flawed_physician_workforce.htm
Flaws in the Concept of Controllable Lifestyle - illustrations of why
medical students are very different than most assume. http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/flaws_in_controllable_lifestyle.htm
Bright Future Rankings - states that invest in education and the future are
more efficient, more equitable, and also graduate, gain, and retain more
family physicians, where does your state rank on investments in the future,
in education, in areas most important to family physicians and family
medicine? http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/bright_future_rankings.htm
Medical School Expansion 2004 - 2017 School by School Table - predictions
of future expansion. http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/expansion_medical_schools.htm
Distribution of Physicians includes info on rural choices, family
medicine, MCAT scores, office poverty, by school, age of the class, and
other factors important in distribution copy this to an excel file to
rank by a number of distributional and status scores. US News and World
Report doesn't even come close. http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/distribution_of_physicians.htm
Assessing Languages in the Process of Admission: Academic Vs People Skills
- we all have roles, attitudes, expectations. http://www.unmc.edu/Community/ruralmeded/languages_academic_vs_people.htm
Worth a read on Service Orientation - Older, married, female students were
more likely to be service-oriented. Training in service orientation most
effective on those who are already service oriented. Youngest students less
O'Connor SJ http://www.sba.muohio.edu/management/mwAcademy/2000/38c.pdf
as noted in the article, the current efforts to rate service orientation
may not pass muster yet, but in a few years there is clearly the potential
to evaluate service orientation much more effectively and in a way that
will be defensible in court and in admissions.
Retention and Family Physicians - documentation of the value of family
medicine and those who tend to choose family medicine and why these choices
are important to states, medical schools, and the nation.
Robert C. Bowman, M.D.