Okay I posted on this before but wanted to say something a year after.
I’m a male and moved my wife and son to the UK to go to Med school but things change.
I had no real understanding of how much time school really took, It takes all my time while I’m in.
My wife does not regret coming and I do not either but things have changed and now I transferred to the Carib to go to school and she will spend time with her mom and Step father to help with them in NY. I will visit them in the summer and Christmas. The time in Basic Sci courses on the island will be 16 months.
Yes I think being apart will be very hard but being together during school is hard too.
I do not think there is a good answer except not being married during Medical school would be so much easier.
I love my wife and family and miss them but I will be able to concentrate on school and email and call them frequently.
I know if they love me they want me to do this (they do).
I pray I can write later how much they supported me.
I think I see what you mean. You WILL make it through because it sounds to me like you have a strong family unit, and did before you got into med school. That’s what will make or break you in any situation.
In a way, it might be a blessing that things worked out this way, but you WILL be an MD with a happy and proud family!
Thanks, I think life no matter what is difficult anyway!
So I think, enjoy the ride.
I think Bill is fortunate because his wife supports him in going to medical school. I thought she was a great sport the last year as she had to deal with the horrible English weather, food, housing, etc while Bill had to concentrate on his classes! While she’s no different than any of us here, who would LOVE to see a real, huge American bathroom, a modern kitchen, and drive on the open highway again, she hasn’t sat around complaining about it. I think in a marriage that kind of support is invaluable!