Hi all! I’m soon going to begin studying for the MCAT w/Examkrackers’ 10 week study guide (as soon as the rest of my books get here!). Just wanted to see if anyone else is starting soon and wanted to start an online study group. Nothing seriously structured, just something to keep us accountable to stay on schedule and shoot questions around on the material. Take care!
Bea - but shouldn’t it start 10 weeks before MCAT? that would put us somewhere in late January, early February…
I’m going to use Examcrackers…I already have all my materials (thanks to Larry!)…but I’m not sure if I’ll be using 10 weeks study guide…I’m still debating if I should take Kaplan in-class course or not…But I’ll keep you posted…And even if i’m taking Kaplan review I’m still going to refer to Examcrackers from time to time…So I guess we can work together
Yes it is a 10 week course, however I’m hoping to be able to go through it twice before April. I have an extremely heavy load in the spring so i’d like to start early. So if you want to join me the second time around that would be great! If I may, think about the Kaplan prep course. It is ALOT of money for something you can do on your own. My pre-med advisor even told me to not waste the money (especially being “older” students who are more focused and diligent to study on our own). But I guess it really depends on our individual personalities…I’d much rather study on my own in my own time, but I have friends who enjoy the group setting and interaction. Whatever you decide good luck and keep in touch!
Hi Bea!
I would be interested in the on-line study group. I will most likely go 2x times around with the ExamKrackers like yourself before the April examination.
HiBea, I’m interested in the online study group. Would you believe I decided to go the 2x route just b4 I got on line.
So count me in.
Hey guys, I think I might like to join in too. The more the merrier.
Great! It’s good to know I’m not the only eager-beaver trying do it 2x! hee hee…actually I’m convinced the older I get the longer it takes me to “get” things (at least that’s my excuse for some of my grades!)
Well I’m still waiting for one of my Examkracker books. I was told I should get it this week or early next week and then I was planning to start right away. The Examkracker’s schedule has you start on, I think, a Sunday or Monday. If any of you need a copy just send me a private message w/your email and I’ll send it to you.
Any ideas on how you all would like to do this? I just thought we’d start our own thread to post questions, keep eachother on track, encourage, etc. But any other ideas would be great!
I just realized I can attach a document here. So I’ve attached the Examkracker schedule so anyone who needs it can have it. Let me know if there are any problems downloading it.
Attached files 1131026455-Examkrackers Home Study Schedule.doc (82 KB)Â
Great minds think alike. I was also planning 2 runs through the material–first run for serious content, & 2nd time for fine-tuning.
I’d love to join the ExamKrackers Klub. Thanks for the schedule.
I’m planning Nov 12 to take a full MCAT – there is one offered by a local group.
This is a super idea and it looks like we have lots of interest here but how would this work?
Post questions to problems that are encountered while studying?
Meet in an online chat every week or so?
Like I said, it sounds like a good idea but is it workable?
Lets hear some ideas and I’ll be sure and help out with any logistical issues. We may be able to set up a specific forum or something. I’ll be doing the same EK 10-week program next June so I’ll be interested to see how it works.
Geoff - our own forum would be AMAZING!! But even if that’s not possible, we could at least keep a thread going in this forum to ask questions and such. I’m sure each of us has strengths in one subject or another, so we can all help eachother. Personally I loved Organic so I can help w/questions there, whereas I need all the help I can get in Physics . Plus I hear that Examkrackers has a few mistakes in their books, so it would be good to verify with one another.
I also think an online chat every once and awhile would be great…somthing more interactive to keep us all accountable on schedule. Any other ideas??
Hi guys:
Please count me in as well, I have my Cd’s but still waiting for my books…but would also like to go throough it twice before April.
So what is the plan?
Hi all! Well, here’s my idea. I thought that those of us who have already expressed an interest in a study group, could all start studying at the same time and others can join in as they come. At least this way there will be a few of us covering the same material at the same time, so we can help eachother w/questions as they arise and help those that join in later. After looking at my calendar, if we start on Nov. 13 (the Examkracker schedule has you starting on a Sunday), that will give us 10-weeks for round 1, one week off, 10-weeks for round 2, and then one week off before the MCAT. Unfortunately this has us studying through the week of Christmas, so the other option is take one of the weeks off and move it to the week of Christmas. How does this sound to everyone?
Are any of you interested in also meeting in a chat room once a week or every two weeks? Please let me know if you have any other ideas.
One more thing…I’ve attached another Home Study Schedule. This one is easier to read and includes some study tips.
Attached files 1131291753-Study Schedule.doc (96 KB)Â
Geoff - our own forum would be AMAZING!! But even if that’s not possible, we could at least keep a thread going in this forum to ask questions and such. I’m sure each of us has strengths in one subject or another, so we can all help eachother. Personally I loved Organic so I can help w/questions there, whereas I need all the help I can get in Physics . Plus I hear that Examkrackers has a few mistakes in their books, so it would be good to verify with one another.
I also think an online chat every once and awhile would be great…somthing more interactive to keep us all accountable on schedule. Any other ideas??
I have created another forum specifically dedicated to the 2006 MCAT and the Examkrackers 10-wk program. Please post all of your comments and questions regarding this in the forum HERE.
Good luck! I’ll be doing the same program starting next June.
Thank you Geoff!! That’s great!