organic chem in the summer

Has anyone taken organic chem during a summer semester? Is it doable or is it suicidal?

If I want to take the MCAT in August to apply this cycle then I need to do it.


Taking organic in the summer is doable; I did lecture only in the summer. The kids who did that and also took lab were dropping like flies. It can be a blues song “I got 15 weeks of schoolin’ but I’m doin’ it in 5”

What is suicidal is attempting to

take organic chemistry AND

prepare for the MCAT AND

do well in both AND

prepare your application AND

fill out your secondaries AND

be behind the curve for rolling admissions AND

deal with a higher probability of rejection AND

having that red flag and hurdle when you may reapply next year

The question I always ask students is your goal to get into medical school or to get in medical school quickly

If you spend the inordinate of time it will take to do well in organic and lab in the summer, and prepare for the MCAT early next year, you’ll have time to prepare your application in a timely matter, be ahead of the rolling admissions curve and have a much better chance of being in medical school the following year

Sounds like a bad idea to me (for the reasons posted above.) In and of itself, I think it would be doable. But not avec the deluge of actually applying AND taking the MCAT too.

Of course someone is now going to write a comment saying: “whatever man, I took Orgo, the MCAT, worked full time, had three kids, took 14 credits worth of business classes, wrote a play, volunteered 40 hours a week, applied, and got in last summer! Challenge yourself, dude!” (I only joke, no offense intended.)

How many weeks is the summer session you are considering? I’m planning to take Organic I & Physics 1 this summer, but my school has them over a 12 week session. It will be pretty rough, but not as bad as the shorter sessions. Summer classes are usually smaller and sometimes seem to have more serious students.

Most schools have 2 or even 3 sessions in a summer (as my school did), at 5 or 6 weeks long. Each semester of my organic lecture was 4 hours long, 4 days a week, for 5 weeks, with 3 exams and a comprehensive final during that time. So all of organic was covered in 10 weeks, with 6 exams and 2 comprehensive finals during that time. By the way, the school’s spring semester ended on a Friday, May 12th, and the summer term started after the weekend on Monday May 15th

Now if you have a school that has a regular 12 week semester during the summer, then Organic I and Physics I is at the normal semester speed, not some triple-espresso induced manic pace

I did pretty much exactly what you are proposing. I took the entire year of organic chemistry with labs in an 8 week summer session, took the MCAT in August and applied to medical school that same year. Oh - and worked on getting stuff around for a late September wedding.

As mentioned above, condensed summer organic is VERY intense. I had lecture M-F from 9-12 and lab 3 days a week from 1-5. We had at least one exam over 3-4 chapters every week (two exams one week), a quiz every day, a pre-lab or post-lab report due nearly every day, and a final exam at the end of each 4 week session. I often studied/worked on lab reports until midnight or later and studied for an hour or so before class in the morning. I did fine in it, but it was so fast that there was really no time to absorb anything.

I actually finished ochem on Monday and took the MCAT that Saturday. I really did no MCAT prep other than those few days of studying/practice tests from Tuesday to Friday.

In retrospect, things worked out well for me, but I feel very, very fortunate and hesitate to recommend that path to people. I did well on my MCAT, although I’m sure I would have done better with time to do some more dedicated study, in particular more practice tests.

I interviewed and was accepted to all five schools I applied at, despite my application not being complete until late October. I wouldn’t recommend that now, however - med school applications are up and having a late application really does put you at a significant disadvantage. You may get interviews, but they will likely be January dates or later. Many schools have filled their classes already and are interviewing for waitlist spots by this point.

I would seriously think about taking the extra year - your stress level will be much lower and you will likely be able to put forth an all-around stronger application/MCAT score.

It depends on what type of person you are. You should know yourself better than anyone. If you can survive a few months without much down time for non-school activities, then I believe you can do it. If you are someone who needs a lot of down time, then perhaps its best not to extend yourself. As for me, I plan on taking orgo II, physics II, and spanish in the summer. I also work two jobs. Don’t have much of a life, but I enjoy the down time all the more when I do get it and I am focused on the prize! Good luck!

I’m buckling my seat belt extra tight for this summer.

Because of registration issues (I am a graduate student and have to wait until all undergrads register), I got locked out of O-Chem for the fall.

Taking both sequences in the summer (back-to-back) is the only way that I can be sure to have a seat.

We will survive, my summer O-Chem comrades!

In bocca al lupo!

I did OChem II during the summer. In hindsight I would not do that again. Reason is that OChem II, at least at our U, starts going into polymers, carbohydrates, and proteins.

This stuff comes in very handy when you take Biochemistry. I probably wouldn’t be struggling so much in Biochem now if I had taken O2 during a regular semester.

If you must, make sure you spend enough time on it.

  • radardenny Said:
I'm buckling my seat belt extra tight for this summer.

Because of registration issues (I am a graduate student and have to wait until all undergrads register), I got locked out of O-Chem for the fall.

Taking both sequences in the summer (back-to-back) is the only way that I can be sure to have a seat.

We will survive, my summer O-Chem comrades!

In bocca al lupo!

I did organic in the summer w/o lab. 3 hours a day, 4 afternoons, a week, for 5 weeks. The silly ass dean who scheduled the class had the spring semester end on Friday May 13th and the summer began Monday May 16th. We had 3 exams and a comprehensive final for each term. From a content point of view, it was brutal. I found it took me two full days of studying, working problems, and etc to master a chapter. so at 3-4 chapters a week I was okay, provided there were 8 days in the week! I felt really sorry for the kids who took lab in the 3 days a week. They dropped like flies. Even squeezing in extra studying time as I work from home and even with the professor giving exam problems almost directly out of the book, it was a bitch and a half! I barely got an A- out of it! My experience is best captured by the following blues song I wrote about it

Organic Summertime Blues

I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I said, I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I study so much that I feel more dead than alive.

I dont know my mechanisms; reactions are killing me me!

I said, I dont know my mechanisms; reactions are killing me!

I study so much, my eyes they hardly see.

Alkenes and Alkanes! Alkynes and Alcohols!

Oh there so much to knows but I cant knows it all!

I said, I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I study so much that I feel more dead than alive.

  • In reply to:
Organic Summertime Blues

I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I said, I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I study so much that I feel more dead than alive.

I don’t know my mechanisms; reactions are killn’ me!

I said, I don’t know my mechanisms; reactions are killn’ me!

I study so much, my eyes they hardly see.

Alkenes and Alkanes! Alkynes and Alcohols!

Oh there so much to knows but I can’t knows it all!

I said, I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I study so much that I feel more dead than alive.

Nice! I'm sure that I will be singin' that song quite soon!

I might have to add a verse or two because I am taking the labs as well.

What rhymes with Xanax???
  • radardenny Said:
  • In reply to:
Organic Summertime Blues

I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I said, I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I study so much that I feel more dead than alive.

I don’t know my mechanisms; reactions are killn’ me!

I said, I don’t know my mechanisms; reactions are killn’ me!

I study so much, my eyes they hardly see.

Alkenes and Alkanes! Alkynes and Alcohols!

Oh there so much to knows but I can’t knows it all!

I said, I got 15 weeks of schoolin' but I'm doing it 5!

I study so much that I feel more dead than alive.

Nice! I'm sure that I will be singin' that song quite soon!

I might have to add a verse or two because I am taking the labs as well.

What rhymes with Xanax???

when I begins to panic's (panix)

I reach for my xanax

Then of course there is the ditty that starts with

In organic I did some titration.

then followed by some distillation

It never did work

and I felt like a jerk

so I went home for some....


'cause you're having a quiz tomorrow!

(professor told that in class once)
  • In reply to:
Then of course there is the ditty that starts with

In organic I did some titration.

then followed by some distillation

It never did work

and I felt like a jerk

so I went home for some....


'cause you're having a quiz tomorrow!

(professor told that in class once)

Wow, what a nice gentle way to announce a quiz!

I'm going to request from my professors that any potentially stress inducing information be given in some form of a rhyme; preferably a limerick.

You guys kill me! I’m seriously thinking maybe I should forgo the O. Chem II in the summer…I wish they could do an 11-week course instead of only 5!


i ran into the same problem because I have a graduate degree I also had to wait til all the undergrads registered. Both summer and fall were filled before I could even register. I would log on 3 times a day and poof there it was an open seat for orgo I in summer A. I grabbed it while I could. So we can do it together. YAH.

I will be in class m-w-f from 8 am - 12: 30pm Shall make it interesting cuz I will have office hours on tuesdays and thursdays. At least I have tried to trade my call days to the begining of may or end of june so I only have like 3 call days during the semester.

My biggest fear is having to do a delivery in the middle of the night and then have to go to class for 4 1/2 hours.

Determination is a powerful tool though.

Good luck


  • In reply to:
My biggest fear is having to do a delivery in the middle of the night and then have to go to class for 4 1/2 hours.

Wow, I can see how that would make for a very long day!

I don't know if I would be able to tie my shoes after delivering a baby, let alone do Organic Chemistry!!


I did sign up for organic chem 1 with lab during this summer semester. I didn’t do so hot on my first test. There is two tests and a accumlative final plus the lab grade.

Right now with the lab grade and my first test grade I have an 80%.

Have spend the whole day looking at synthesis questions. coupling reaction problems, and enantimers.

I am freaking out because I am the one who normally sets the curves in the classes but this time I was below the mean let alone set the curve.

What is bad for me is orgo 1 in summer is the normal schedule for chemistry majors. Therefore the majority of my class is chem majors. I don’t think there will even be a curve in this class.

I just needed to come here and vent. Back to studing. I have my AACOMAS application completed. I have my personal statement completed. I was going to submit my application tomorrow but now I think I might wait another week to make sure I pass the next test this friday.

My MCAT’s are scheduled for Aug 20th. I have a 8 week study plan waiting for me when I am done with this class. I had spent 10 weeks before this class preparing.

One of the hardest things is that I took inorganic chem in 1994. I took gen chem 2 last year and got an A. There really wasn’t much cross over between gen chem 1 and chem 2 however there is a heck of alot more gen chem 1 in organic. Thank God for the mcat preparation I did before this class.

I will be back in 3 weeks to post an update.



Be sure to talk to the instructor about how you’re studying to see if you can take a different approach to be more effective. Talking to the instructor early and often helps a great deal, both to correct your problems and to get a little extra boost to the curve when the time comes.

i think i committed academical suicide this week. If I thought I was barely holding on I killed it this week. The day before my 2nd of 3 exams, I was laid off at work as a midwife. I am completely devistated. I had inductions scheduled for next week that I willnot be able to take care of. Needless to say, I was a emotional wreck the night before the test and did not study. I did not do well or at lest I don’t think I did well. The test day was the last day to withdraw without academic penalty. I sat on campus for an hour debating. I chose not to drop and now I am thinking that was a bad idea. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I have never quit before. Then again I have never done bad in a class before. I am not a C’s. Now I am going to be praying that I can pull out a C in this class.



Go see the instructor right now and talk about your situation. You may be able to make up or get a waiver to drop late, but talk about it NOW. Don’t wait.